To the best of my understanding, using a module does NOT mean you can avoid 
certification for a custom board that uses it. I am a member of the SIG and 
specifically asked this…but they do not give a 100% clear answer ☹️

> On 20 Apr 2023, at 20:38, Tomek CEDRO <> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 9:15 PM Tim Hardisty wrote:
>> My longer term plan is to work on USB support for Bluetooth dongles rather 
>> than dedicated module support as that – should – avoid the need for 
>> Bluetooth SIG accreditation and fees. Don’t quote me on that!
> Bluetooth SIG membership is free, no?
> Unless you need to certify your own custom hardware.. which is quite
> expensive to design, manufacture, and certify.. this is why I found
> ESP32* MINI/WROOM modules really convenient as they already have WiFi
> and Bluetooth certification + devkits that you can quickly prototype
> with even on a breadboard.. other SoC also have this kind of
> pre-certified modules :-)
> -- 

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