On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 8:46 AM Brennan Ashton
<bash...@brennanashton.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2023, 3:18 PM Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Thanks Alan! This is why I was a bit surprised why the documentation
>> > is not direct part of the source code (i.e. documentation of the
>> > file/module/function right in that file/module/function). Kivy does
>> > that, it helps understanding the code, allows easy online/pdf
>> > documentation out of it, and most important keeps documentation
>> > coherent and up to date with the code!
>> >
>> > It could be easier to maintain / keep things coherent.. this can be
>> > also done with Sphinx that we already use.. what do you
>> The current coding
>> standardhttps://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NUTTX/Coding+Standard#fileorganization
>> forbids documentation tags in the code, but that could change.
> I think you mean this page in the docs :) 
> https://nuttx.apache.org/docs/latest/contributing/coding_style.html?highlight=deoxygen
>> My experience with using Deoxygen on large, projects has been
>> disastrous.  People don't always maintain the tags to the documentation
>> was wrong and so the auto-generated  documentation was not
>> trust-worthy.  So you always end up looking at the code anyway.  There
>> is nothing in the auto-generated code that is not in the the files so
>> there is no real value added (there would be if you could trust it).
>> Also, minor errors in the tags cause a lot of CI failures.  A couple per
>> week.
>> I suppose if documentation tags were added to all files and were all of
>> the highest quality, it would be a good thing.   That that would be an
>> enormous job and ongoing maintained of the documentation tags would be a
>> problem:  Most people won't change them or put in useless, low value
>> tags.  Much like PR comments. Or comments and documentation in general.
>> If we could do it right, then +1 with a significant commitment of time
>> and effort.  If we would do only a half-assed job, then -1.
> I _very_ much agree. I have very rarely found doxygen to be useful and 
> usually just results in unhelpful boilerplate to make the tool happy and 
> generates some html that no one will ever look at again.   It is usually much 
> better when someone spends the time to actually document the interfaces and 
> the why behind them (like man pages) we already have a section in the docs 
> for interfaces and it would be great as people extend and adapt them to 
> continue keeping these up to date.
> Additionally from this discussion I have opened two tickets from this thread.
> * Generate and publish the PDF alongside the html docs 
> https://github.com/apache/nuttx/issues/9095
> * A tracking ticket to unify more of the docs. 
> https://github.com/apache/nuttx/issues/9094
> I will start in on both once I return from holiday and have time in front of 
> a real computer again.
> --Brennan

Before I do more work to wire this up, please let me know if this pdf
I have attached here seems like a reasonable start for people

It is basically the same content on the website, so missing
information is out of scope of this change,
but I don't want to fix some compatibility issues here unless people
actually think this is of value.


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