Thanks I'll try *--install-prefix* when setting up my Air and probably
raise a PR for that.

I'll also look into better options for *kconfig-frontends*.

As for Blender, I had been using Autodesk for modeling / 3D printing and
then for some reason, I can't even recall, I downloaded Blender, and then I
started going down the rabbit hole of 3D rendering. I'm not into games, but
I am interested in short films and cinema,. Last week I picked up a Dell
Visor and was able to get a Raspberry Pi to generate the required 2880x1440
resolution and played with some stereo renders. Blender has some VR support
but only on Windows. Iv mainly learned Blender by adding my own robot
designs to the example scenes and experimenting with python scripting. If
the robot's never exist in reality, they can at least exist in my mind..


On Wed, 18 Oct 2023 at 08:05, Tomek CEDRO <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 1:18 AM Christian Catchpole wrote:
> > Nice, I went the full Studio Ultra, mainly because Im doing a lot of
> stuff
> > in Blender at the moment.
> I loved Blender until they removed BGE (Blender Game Engine) and
> changed that program into kind of 3D Photoshop. But I still use it
> sometimes.
> Do you use Blender with external game engine like Godot or Armory?
> With BGE it was possible to use Python exchanging data online with
> real world hardware (or offline data acquired by hardware) in order to
> control 3D environment. I did a simple flight simulator that way using
> custom aerodynamics model. Do you know is again possible without BGE
> nowadays?
> > I also noticed that the KConfig build required a *sudo* on *make install
> *to
> > be able to write to */usr/local/bin/kconfig *- im not sure if there's an
> > alternative
> I cannot see kconfig-frontends in the brew search. In a perfect world
> we would want to have it ported. I did a port for FreeBSD but never
> did a HomeBrew port. Have you ever tried that? Maybe we should ask on
> their mailing lists?
> Using ~/.local/ --install-prefix and then adding ~/.local/bin to the
> PATH in ~/.profile seems more elegant solution than system wide
> modification :-)
> --

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