I feel you - especially when talking about something like this. If it were me, I'd probably present a new file - and a particular screen that you did in this style. Once you find adoption, it'll be easy to get people behind it. But just beware of trying to fix too much - I think that's the only warning here :)

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Jan 15, 2007, at 4:49 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Thanks you for the clarification Tim.

In this particular case, even a minor change to the maincss.css file results in many modifications. For instance, setting a default font style removes a ton of code. Same thing with setting default styles for basic HTML elements.

If a new design approach results in greatly reduced code, how do you present that approach to the community without presenting the greatly reduced code?


Tim Ruppert wrote:

Regardless, what I think that David is asking you to do was take the modifications in small chunks - instead of trying to do everything all at once. That way regardless of whether or not it's a patch or attached to an email - it's easily reviewable by people.
Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media
On Jan 15, 2007, at 4:21 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
David E. Jones wrote:

BTW, I plead and beg on my knees Adrian: don't try to make massive changes and submit huge patches! Please! Please! PLEASE! I beg of you! Please try to keep patches more granular and to address a single issue that can be easily reviewed by committers. This is important for smooth progress in the project. I'm rather concerned right now with the approach various people are trying to take to contribute to OFBiz, and the lack of good review on the part of committers. Following the above plea will help significantly with this, and it will get your patches reviewed and committed far more quickly, and the patches from others committed more quickly and without causing so many negative side-effects for what you are trying to do with OFBiz.

Relax. I wasn't planning on submitting a patch. I was going to attach the modified css file to an upcoming email to get community comments.

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