Could anyone wishing to post further regarding licensing issues please change the subject line?


Chris Howe wrote:
--- Jonathon -- Improov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Ugh. Remind me never to take up law. (Yeah, I know, I'll be cannon
fodder for big boys with lawyers.)

 > This structure, however does not protect the contributor (you) of
 > joint work.

Ok. So if I stole someone else's private work and contributed it to a
committer who commits this stolen work to ASF, then I'm liable for the theft, and ASF and the
committer are not liable.

ASF will need to remove the offending code from distribution.

That'll also mean I better make sure that the contributions put into
my private sandbox are not stolen as well. I'll just follow ASF's "license grant" process, so I won't be liable for any thefts committed by contributors in my sandbox team.

That may not be sufficient.  The ASF does quite a bit more than the CLA
and license grant to protect itself.

 > The only way as I see around this is to have a specific agreement
 > amongst all joint owners allowing for its distribution under
 > 2.

Alright. So I just need to make sure all those committing to my
ragtag sandbox assigns rights to ASF to distribute their contributions under Apache 2.

The only way you can grant a license to the ASF is if you make your
contribution directly to the ASF.  If they make their contribution to
you, they are granting you a license not Apache.  However, since their
contribution is intended to be inseparable from your contribution, it
is now a joint work absent some sort of agreement. This is the point
where it gets cloudy and no definitive answer has been offered.  Still
not a pretty pickle and thus my ranting for a sandbox that is available
to the community but owned by ASF.

 > Not a pretty pickle.

No, it's not pretty to software vendors, OFBiz consultants needing
money for a living, etc. But that's not my concern. I leave that to businessmen.

 > Does this make my understanding of the scenario clear?

Quite a bit clearer. Thanks.


Chris Howe wrote:
IMO, this is certainly not a non-issue, it's the issue I've been
to get a definitive answer to for the last few weeks and everyone
to simply ignore it and act like we're a bunch of hippies.  It's
being a hippie until some large corporation comes by and carts your
commune off their land.  Then you're not a hippie, you're just
I've changed my stance slightly contemplating Jonathon's questions.
think this explanation is more correct, consistent and also easier
follow.  But again IANAL.
Comments inline.

--- Jonathon -- Improov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David (Jones), Tim, Chris,

Sorry, I know this thread isn't about legal issues with OFBiz. But
Chris often has a way of spotting some oft-missed angle, and I'm concerned about a
angle now. Though I'm also often lost in his long complex explanations, please forgive me if
feel scared/concerned about some issues mentioned. Need just a bit of advice here.

I'm looking at some excertps from Chris' "findlaw" URL. Please
those words between **.

"When the copyright... *provided that the use does not destroy the
value of the
work* ..."

I understand that the ASF license is like the MIT license, so the
open sourced codes can be packed into a commercial package (much like the LGPL?).

AFAIK, correct.

How do I publish codes (assuming I do have a semi-public SVN
between a few friends) without damaging that license?

The license is fine.  The owner of a copyright can write as many
nonexclusive licenses as he/she/it/they wish.  However, I don't
a joint owner can grant the Apache 2 license to anyone without
diminishes the financial value of the work itself.  This is further
compounded by granting the Apache 2 license to the ASF as one of
main functions is to distribute that work freely to anyone who
points a
browser or other client software in their direction.

"According to the Copyright Act... *a work prepared by two or more
authors with the intention that their contributions be merged into
inseparable or interdependent parts of a unitary whole*."

What if I explicitly mention that I INTEND to merge my private
sandbox into OFBiz as a collection of "interdependent parts of a unitary whole". Will that mean the OFBiz core team and my own ragtag team become a partnership?
No. This I believe is the trick of the contributor license
Your "patch" is a complete work and you are granting license to
who has access to JIRA the Apache 2 license.  The committers of
as individuals accept your complete work and make a contribution to
ASF project under the terms of the CLA.  The only interaction with
ASF is between the committer and the ASF, not you.  This, I believe
protects the ASF to only being subject to cease and desist orders
the event of infringement.  This structure should also protect the
committer as it is their impression the work is being licensed
Apache 2.  This structure, however does not protect the contributor
(you) of a joint work.

The problem as I see it with your semi-private SVN is that your
is not exclusively yours, it's the joint owners.  You as a joint
can license it anyway you want as long as you share the royalties
don't diminish its value.
Distributing it under Apache 2, diminishes its value. So, only an
individual entity (individual or corporation) can distribute it
Apache 2.  The only way as I see around this is to have a specific
agreement amongst all joint owners allowing for its distribution
Apache 2.  This agreement creates a legally binding partnership and
you're subject to the representations and liabilities that the
joint owners make regarding the joint work in their licensing to
people.  Not a pretty pickle.

Does this make my understanding of the scenario clear?

On a side note (from the findlaw article), a copyright holder
waive their termination right in advance.  This makes for an
interesting scenario 35 years from now. Perhaps the ASF should
reconsider the copyright assignment that the FSF has adopted.
then you have to rethink the trick of the CLA.  This could get
scary as
the copyright is owned by the estate and thus can be distributed to
heirs/debtors upon death.

I'm really lost. Anyway, if it's a non-issue, just let me know?

Don't need to brief me about open source and GPL/LGPL, I already
all that.


Chris Howe wrote:
--- Tim Ruppert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I reviewed patches for Anil and Ashish - that is correct.
fancy partnership here - nor is there any any legal concern, but
that's truly not what this discussion should be about.


You're absolutely correct that there isn't a _fancy partnership
present.  The partnership created is the same mundane one that is
created every day.  I must disagree with you, it is of GREAT
concern.  Since you obviously did not follow the link of

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