Jonathon as an innocent bystander, all I can say is that with every word you type you are rubbing people the wrong way. Please just take a moment to read thru your posts before hitting send - and think about the fact that there are tons of people here from different backgrounds who are pushing towards the same goal.

I realize that your intentions are good and that you're working towards that same goal, but understand that if you're rubbing everyone the wrong way - it might not be them, but how you're choosing to phrase your questions, comments and concerns.

All I ask is that you think about what you're saying and where you really want things to go and phrase things accordingly. I'm not saying that all responses to your digging have been phrased smoothly - but you can only control yourself - so let's all give it a try.

This is not totally relevant, but I believe I wrote this up sometime around the last episode people rubbing others the wrong way on the dev list -'s-everybody-baggin'-on-OFBiz- lately-t3081858.html

Anyways, I hope you read this for what it is - a request to come together - and you take my suggestions seriously. Thanks for posting Jonathon and we look forward to more helpful things out of your in the future.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Feb 7, 2007, at 3:27 AM, Jonathon -- Improov wrote:


No, I'm not trolling. Are you?

If you meant the last concise post to you, it's because I know you're really really busy. Just a sincere effort to cut down on "extras" in my writing to you.

If you meant my comment on David's and Si Chen's discussion, like I said, you better re-read for yourself. I'd rather not repeat something so often it seems like I'm rubbing a fact in or something.

If you're still miffed for some reason, I'll say sorry again. But I think we both better watch out, and stop this somewhere sometime soon. Or both of us will be accused of messing up!

As I said, all posts are cached or read or otherwise recorded or witnessed by others. We should both take a step back and re-read past posts in order to avoid further misunderstanding.

My actions are plain for all to see, and so are yours. We should both behave ourselves. Agree? :)


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
are you trolling?
Jonathon -- Improov wrote:
Er, Jacopo. Maybe I moved your cheese some time, I don't know. If so, sorry!

Since you like conciseness, please re-read this thread between David and Si Chen.

As for incorrect information, re-read my previous posts.


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Jonathon -- Improov wrote:
Si Chen,

I wasn't "saying" anything.

I think that this is the problem with many of your (and with those of some new guys that recently are around in these lists) posts, Jonathon: you say nothing with too many words, and this is confusing, especially for new users and, in the dev list, it is annoying because it's difficult to concentrate and discuss on the development of OFBiz. There is no need to comment every post and in general silence is better than incorrect or partially correct information.


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