Whoops, you caught me. Yeah, I was being rather vague about what I think we should do...

All in all, I think this approach is fine and will improve certain things, especially keeping our directory structure clean.

The only downside I can think of is that right now you can pretty much blow away the runtime directory and start again without recompiling. We could still do that if the resulting jar file were copied somewhere else, but maybe that's not a big deal and I guess we have some stuff in the runtime area that you can't blow away without causing certain problems... hmmmm...

So, to try to be clear, yes, I think we should do it. Hopefully that helps in your decision making about it.


On Apr 4, 2007, at 9:02 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:


I'm sorry but I'm not sure to understand what you are suggesting to do. Are you saying that we should keep the build folders where they are now?


David E. Jones wrote:
In a way it is nice for each component to contain and control it's own stuff, but this does bring up a good point. For a release we should probably wipe out the build classes directories and just keep the jar files. For development it's nice to have the jar files to make it possible to rebuild incrementally. I guess each build.xml file would have to know about the runtime folder and explicitly put it's stuff there, and if it doesn't and instead puts it in its own folder, then that's okay and it will just stay that way (mainly for add-in hot-deploy components and such).
On Apr 4, 2007, at 4:52 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Now that we have the new "runtime folder", containing all the runtime objects, what about moving all the build/* files from each component into a new runtime/build/ folder?

In this way the only folder in which there will be files written while building/running the system will be in the runtime folder.

I see advantages in this approach, especially for the distribution of pre-built releases: the pre-built release could be simply the source official release + the pre-built objects in the runtime folder. Also everything apart from the runtime folder could be in a read- only file system (for example a cd).


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