Alternatively Ean, and maybe even better: in an ideal world what would you use 
in place of the MiniLang/simple-method code (regardless of whether or not it 
exists already)?

As we've done in the past, if there is anything that represents a sufficient 
efficiency gain for development and maintenance it may very well be worth the 
transition to it.


Al Byers wrote:

Hey, if Andrew can see the light and convert then there may even be hope for
you :0)


On 6/6/07, Ean Schuessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I realize that this isn't productive in any way... but... Minilang is the
of the Devil and I will do anything I can not to write code in it.

Just thought I'd chime in. ;-)

On Monday 04 June 2007 03:57:10 pm Al Byers wrote:
> I was aware of the "call" methods, but here is the code that I wrote in
> order to get the first x characters of the text body to use as a
> description:
>         <call-object-method method-name="length" obj-field-name="
> parameters.textData" ret-field-name="textDataLen"/>
>         <log level="info" message="textDataLen:${textDataLen}"/>
>         <property-to-field resource="forum" property="descriptLen"
> field-name="descriptLen" />
>         <log level="info" message="descriptLen:${descriptLen}"/>
>         <set field="dblTextDataLen" from-field="textDataLen"
> type="Double"/> <set field="dblDescriptLen" from-field="descriptLen"
> type="Double"/> <call-class-method method-name="min"
> class-name="java.lang.Math" ret-field-name="subStringLen">
>             <field field-name="dblTextDataLen" type="double"/>
>             <field field-name="dblDescriptLen" type="double"/>
>         </call-class-method>
>         <set field="intSubStringLen" from-field="subStringLen"
> type="Integer"/>
>         <log level="info" message="subStringLen:${subStringLen}"/>
>         <set field="zeroValue" value="0" type="Integer"/>
>         <call-object-method method-name="substring" obj-field-name="
> parameters.textData" ret-field-name="subDescript">
>             <field field-name="zeroValue" type="int"/>
>             <field field-name="intSubStringLen" type="int"/>
>         </call-object-method>
>         <log level="info" message="subDescript:${subDescript}"/>
> As you can see there is a lot of code just to get the variables into the
> right type for calling the class and object methods. Does anyone see a
> better way to do this?
> I agree that it would make sense to put any added functionality in the
> processor, but then you have to create a file ( don't you? ) just to do
> little thing.

Ean Schuessler, CTO
214-720-0700 x 315
Brainfood, Inc.

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