
I'm sensing a question behind this question, but I'm not sure what it is...

What does OrderItem have to do with this?


Daniel Martínez wrote:
Hi David,

Do you mean that dates from i.e. OrderItem will be stored in the
database under the user timezone?

David E Jones escribió:
Right now I'd say we go ahead and default it to use the users time
zone, in other words interpret any user input as time in their own
time zone - or even change all date/time inputs to allow the user to
specify the time zone (which IMO would be a great enhancement) and
have it default to the user's preferred time zone. There are various
system time stamps that should be in the system's time zone, but for
the most part when a user enters data we can assume (and default to)
that they mean it in terms of their own time zone.

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