Walter Vaughan wrote:
David E Jones wrote:
Walter Vaughan wrote:
I think the word "dangerous" is slightly inflammatory.
In what way? Could you be more specific?

It's not like someone just slipped this in. It's been in OFBiz ever since I knew of the project... at least over a year. I think of "dangerous precedent" in windows of shorter time spans.

Good point! We're lucky no one else has tried to do this in that time.

What we need is a well organized, highly visible place for things that attach to the project that live in the hot-deploy directory. We should be encouraging an ecosystem of plugable add-ins be they true-open, viral-open, or closed-commercial variety.

For projects/products based on OFBiz:

What's missing is content in the description of what features. I just noticed those pages were posted in the last day, so that's an unfair criticism.

Also we're not using any sort of normal jargon like "Add-ons", "Plug-ins", "Enhancements", "Extensions" or whatever to help grow and support these efforts.

This is certainly something that can be improved.

What did you have in mind that is different from this?

May be a link that says "ofBiz Add-ons"?

What hurts us is that we loose consistent branding from the main site to the wiki, and the wiki's logo puts you in "geek h-e-double toothpicks". I can hardly imagine what the Michael J. Scott's of the world think when they land on that dashboard page.

I totally agree with you, we need a LOT of improvements in the marketing side 
of OFBiz. That just hasn't been something very many people have contributed to.

Because of the typical motivation of OFBiz users there is a lot of code moving 
around, but no central group to help out with marketing efforts. A few have 
expressed interest but only limited efforts have happened so far.

Are these things you'd like to help with? Or is anyone else inspired by this?


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