David E Jones wrote:
I totally agree with you, we need a LOT of improvements in the marketing side of OFBiz. That just hasn't been something very many people have contributed to.

Because of the typical motivation of OFBiz users there is a lot of code moving around, but no central group to help out with marketing efforts. A few have expressed interest but only limited efforts have happened so far.

Are these things you'd like to help with? Or is anyone else inspired by this?

I had wrote and then deleted a message where I thought the project needs a marketing and publicity committee. There has to be people who are directly effected by the continued success of ofBiz and it's derivative products that are not code-slingers.

Every good thing that gets into ofBiz eventually helps my company. And the more companies use and require more features, the more good things happen.

That committee needs "pointed headed bosses" and marketing people who "get" open source in order to lead the way. They exist. We just gotta get them involved.


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