On Oct 19, 2007, at 9:24 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

Adrian Crum wrote:
2. Reduce all of the findByXxxx and findAll methods to a single find
method that takes a FindParameters class. A separate worker class could convert all of the various arguments currently being sent to the myriad findXxxx methods and condense them into a FindParameters instance that
is passed to the single find method in the delegator. End result: +1
find parameters worker class, -23 delegator methods.

In effect, that's what already happens; most code eventually calls

Additionally, this could simplify the sql generating parts too.

My original thought was to review these (23? wow...) methods and deprecate (and later remove) nearly all of them. The main ones I think should remain are:

1. a findListIteratorByCondition method with all possible parameters
2. a findByAnd method with all possible parms

... and I think that's about it for the finds. Both would have a new parameter called "useCache". The findByAnd is just there for convenience as that is a common use case.

The idea of a query parameters object is interesting. If we do something like that we should look at some ways of reducing the lines of code required to use it. I think that's the only part of it I don't like... lots of lines of code.

Whatever the case, I think the most important thing is that we not rush this. There are lots of less effective ways to do this (like the one we have now...), so the key is to avoid introducing something that is just as cumbersome/annoying.


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