Very interesting. My implementation is extremely crude in comparison.  I was 
only outputting KML and KMZ for Google Earth. It seems I have quite a bit of 
homework to do before being able to add very much to the discussion.  

----- Original Message ----
From: Al Byers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 10:46:31 AM
Subject: Re: GIS Tools/modeling

Hey Chris,

Yes, I did some GIS work a few months ago. What I did was add a WFS
interface to OFBiz. It is WfsEventHandler class in webapp.event. I did
 a lot
of work with GeoServer (
MapBuilder  ( for the client
I used MySQL for a geo spatial DB. I think GeoServer is definitely the
to go for the server since it is Java based and I had no trouble
it in my ofbiz tomcat setup. There is an effort to consolidate many of
various client packages (such as OpenLayers) and MapBuilder seems to be
the forefront of that effort (it uses OpenLayers to render, but adds an
syntax for implementing client frontends.

It is a very exciting time for the GIS community as they are working
together to create products and mashups that are the same sort of
Goliath-killers in the GIS world that OFBiz is becoming in the ERP

I also did a GeoRSS interface so that I could add markers to Google
but I did not see how to add that to the ofbiz base code. I would be
to share that code if we can see where to add it. See

I think the WFS interface is the critical part, as it lets you use
servers like GeoServer to server up the base GIS layers, but lets you
OFBiz to store and server the "points of interest". I only modeled
with my WfsEventHandler class. It needs to be extended to do a
"find". One of the key things that I did was implement the "ogc:filter"
using FreeMarker templates. That is the part that needs to be extended
implement the rectangular find.

If you are not familiar with the WFS, WMS and WCS standards, you need
 to be.
They are what make all the synergy possible.

It has been a few months since I have had a chance to work on it (which
might as well be a few years at my age) so you might want to google
and "ofbiz" to see what else I had to say about it. I would be glad to
discuss and work on something more substantial for ofbiz, but I am not
actively working on GIS at the moment, so my time will be limited.


On 11/26/07, Chris Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just completed a rather remedial GIS implementation (very poorly
> designed, but works for it's purpose).  Anyone have any
> interest/experience/intelligent thought with this?

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