
I am not sure that KML and KMZ are not better ways to go. I went the
"community" route because it just seems to fit in with OFBiz's philosophy
and even Google should be  (and I think is) using open source standards in
their work. I should be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
the Google vs. the Geoserver/MapBuilder approaches, but I would have to
research the KML/Z tech more, first.

The question to me answered is whether or not KML/Z are as good at accessing
Geoserver servers as the MapBuilder product. If they don't do as good a job,
then I think that developers may sometimes wish to access data that is not
served up by Google Maps and won't be able to.

The other test for KML/Z is if you can do custom rollover popups with KML/Z.
It is easy to do simple ones, but sometimes you may wish to do more
complicated ones and I am not sure about the suitability of KML/Z for that -
though I would guess it does fine.

Please don't hesitate to discuss your issues here. Adding GIS to OFBiz would
be a really cool add-on and the more people we can involve, the better.


On 11/26/07, Chris Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Very interesting. My implementation is extremely crude in comparison.  I
> was only outputting KML and KMZ for Google Earth. It seems I have quite a
> bit of homework to do before being able to add very much to the discussion.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Al Byers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 10:46:31 AM
> Subject: Re: GIS Tools/modeling
> Hey Chris,
> Yes, I did some GIS work a few months ago. What I did was add a WFS
> interface to OFBiz. It is WfsEventHandler class in webapp.event. I did
> a lot
> of work with GeoServer (
>   and
> MapBuilder  ( for the
> client
> side.
> I used MySQL for a geo spatial DB. I think GeoServer is definitely the
> way
> to go for the server since it is Java based and I had no trouble
> including
> it in my ofbiz tomcat setup. There is an effort to consolidate many of
> the
> various client packages (such as OpenLayers) and MapBuilder seems to be
> at
> the forefront of that effort (it uses OpenLayers to render, but adds an
> syntax for implementing client frontends.
> It is a very exciting time for the GIS community as they are working
> together to create products and mashups that are the same sort of
> Goliath-killers in the GIS world that OFBiz is becoming in the ERP
> world.
> I also did a GeoRSS interface so that I could add markers to Google
> Maps,
> but I did not see how to add that to the ofbiz base code. I would be
> willing
> to share that code if we can see where to add it. See
> I think the WFS interface is the critical part, as it lets you use
> other
> servers like GeoServer to server up the base GIS layers, but lets you
> use
> OFBiz to store and server the "points of interest". I only modeled
> points
> with my WfsEventHandler class. It needs to be extended to do a
> rectangular
> "find". One of the key things that I did was implement the "ogc:filter"
> using FreeMarker templates. That is the part that needs to be extended
> to
> implement the rectangular find.
> If you are not familiar with the WFS, WMS and WCS standards, you need
> to be.
> They are what make all the synergy possible.
> It has been a few months since I have had a chance to work on it (which
> might as well be a few years at my age) so you might want to google
> "gis"
> and "ofbiz" to see what else I had to say about it. I would be glad to
> discuss and work on something more substantial for ofbiz, but I am not
> actively working on GIS at the moment, so my time will be limited.
> -Al
> On 11/26/07, Chris Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I just completed a rather remedial GIS implementation (very poorly
> > designed, but works for it's purpose).  Anyone have any
> > interest/experience/intelligent thought with this?
> >
> >
> >

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