It's described here

What is the problem with ShipmentGatewayConfigType and PaymentGatewayConfigType 
(did not check)?


Le 01/09/2017 à 13:18, Arun Patidar a écrit :
Hello All,

'hasTable' field of 'Type' entities is used to give an idea that detail
entity exists or not. We generally get the name of detail entity on the
basis of typeId field value.

For example :

ContactMechType,contactMechTypeId = "POSTAL_ADDRESS"  then we go to
PostalAddress for detail.

ContactMechType,contactMechTypeId = "TELECOM_NUMBER"  then we go to
TelecomNumber for detail.

is it a best practice to identify the name of detail entity on the basis of
typeId value?

If yes, then there are some entities that are not following the pattern.
Some of them are:
    - ShipmentGatewayConfigType
    - PaymentGatewayConfigType

if not, then we can add a field in Type entities to mention the name of
detail entity.

Please let me know your thoughts.

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