Le 23/09/2017 à 13:14, Ratnesh Upadhyay a écrit :
Imagine if we use the generic data model to record each kind of
communication and when the system tries to pull a specific email or
specific type email communication from this model then system has to browse
a lot of data and due to this most of the time, it gets ended up with slow
query/browsing issue. So to avoid such performance issue instead of
extending CommunicationEvent entity, I proposed to make a separate entity.
Hi Ratnesh,

Are you sure about that? What would the bottleneck? If you think the DB would 
slow down I don't think it's an issue.

My take is that I prefer a generic data model rather than sacrificing for hypothetical performance and end up with data model like competitors with thousands of entities (OFBiz is currently still around 800+)


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