Hi Jacques,

Thanks for the response. I was thinking that retrieval gets slow down when
we have a lot of data in communication event entity. Actually, I've
prepared this proposal based on the current implementation of
CommunicationEventOrder on this assumption that it's an approved feature
that's its there in the system.

I am also in agreement with you and Deepak to use the existing (generic)
data model to achieve this. I'll give it another thought and further
analyze it to fit in existing data model.


Ratnesh Upadhyay
HotWax Systems | www.hotwaxsystems.com

On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 5:37 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

> Le 23/09/2017 à 13:14, Ratnesh Upadhyay a écrit :
>> Imagine if we use the generic data model to record each kind of
>> communication and when the system tries to pull a specific email or
>> specific type email communication from this model then system has to
>> browse
>> a lot of data and due to this most of the time, it gets ended up with slow
>> query/browsing issue. So to avoid such performance issue instead of
>> extending CommunicationEvent entity, I proposed to make a separate entity.
> Hi Ratnesh,
> Are you sure about that? What would the bottleneck? If you think the DB
> would slow down I don't think it's an issue.
> My take is that I prefer a generic data model rather than sacrificing for
> hypothetical performance and end up with data model like competitors with
> thousands of entities (OFBiz is currently still around 800+)
> Jacques

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