Thanks Jinghai,

This much clarifies things. I'm all for these steps by steps, in Jiras with 
patches :)

I'm not a big fan of blockchain (yet?) but let's see...

Just as off topic notes to share:

For a client I have implement the SAML2 protocol. I see it similar as SOAP in its nature: not trendy but with a large spectrum, very serious and sure (read well secured).
From my experience, using the Shibboleth framework is the best way to integrate 
SAML IMO. But that's really for big (global) organisations.

BTW I read "No standard way to force logout, though (CAS has this feature)." at 
bottom of

SAML has also this feature, and there is a joke about it:

Just try to implement and then use SLO (Single Log Out) and you will maybe 
share the idea.

Have fun :)


Le 20/08/2018 à 17:54, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
Hi Jacques,

The LDAP plugin can be split to 2 parts, LDAP and CAS client. The LDAP part can 
be removed, because Andrian Crum implemented it in framework/security, he 
insisted it's earlier than mine, I agree now. The CAS client can be merged into 
passport plugin. Personally I think the CAS protocol is the origin of OAuth2 
and many others, and it's stricter than OAuth2 as its service token can be 
used/validated only once, to prevent naughty children in Yale University reuse 
the service tokens, well typically access token in OAuth2 has a much longer 
life time (from hours to month).

The CAS plugin I mentioned is a cas-server, to make OFBiz as a central OAuth2 
provider. It's not related to OFBIZ-10307, it's a part of WebPOS2 contribution 
I promised in last year. Adding method attribute in request map (OFBIZ-10438) 
is the 1st step, CAS plugin is the 2nd step, OpenAPI (swagger) plugin is the 
3rd step, then the WebPOS2 (Angular) plugin, and perhaps a Wechat/Facebook 
(React) mini app further. Not in a hurry, we can achieve it step by step :)

Briefly, this belongs to mobile support line. I'll try to open a blockchain 
support line when community has common interests in blockchain area.

Kind Regards,

Shi Jinghai

发件人: Jacques Le Roux []
发送时间: 2018年8月20日 15:59
主题: Re: OFBIZ-10307: Navigate from a domain to another with automated signed in 

Hi Jinghai,

I'm not sure why you want to create a CAS plugin. At least it's unrelated with 

Also are you aware of ?

Does this still work? Do we need a new plugin?



Le 19/08/2018 à 22:00, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
Thanks Jacques!

If so, I'll release a CAS plugin to make OFBiz offer OAuth2 alliance next week. 
I have cas 4.2.x version running in production environment, I'll upgrade it to 
cas 5.2.x and then release it.

发件人: Jacques Le Roux []
发送时间: 2018年8月19日 18:34
主题: Re: OFBIZ-10307: Navigate from a domain to another with automated signed in 

Hi Jinghai,

Actually I did not pick auth0 (not to be confused with nor because those 
need a central
Identify server (as is the SAML protocol).

I simply send a JWT token: and to

Please refer to OFBIZ-10307 "Navigate from a domain to another with automated signed 
in authentication"

Thanks for your interest.


Le 17/08/2018 à 09:02, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
Hi Jacques,

OK, I think the redis topic is jumped to next step.

I have read the patches carelly, as a fan of Apereo CAS[1], I wonder why choose 
auth0[2] rather than CAS. And is the implement OAuth2 alliance?


Kind Regards,

Shi Jinghai

发件人: Jacques Le Roux []
发送时间: 2018年8月16日 2:08
主题: Re: OFBIZ-10307: Navigate from a domain to another with automated signed in 

Hi Jinghai,

The problem with the token master secret key is to guarantee its secrecy at max.

We already discussed different solutions at and

How is Redis more secure than Postgres for storing values?



Le 15/08/2018 à 14:37, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
Dear Jacques,

On how to store the Tokens, as a token is a key, value is the UserLogin entity 
and/or other info, a key-value db, Redis[1] is a good choice. Redis is no.7 in 
db ranking in Aug 2018[2], becomes more and more popular. Goldman Sachs 
invested Redis team in last year[3]. It's common view now in China that Redis 
is better than any others including Gemfire of Pivotal, the railway ticket 
system of China replaced its 3 Gemfire clusters with 3 Redis clusters last year 
and then there are much less complains on how difficulties to buy spring 
festival tickets.

Mr. Dai Haipeng contributed a Redis component in Jira[4].


BTW, I'll try to review the patches.

Kind Regards,

Shi Jinghai

发件人: Jacques Le Roux []
发送时间: 2018年8月15日 15:09
主题: OFBIZ-10307: Navigate from a domain to another with automated signed in 


Some time ago I created

I asked for reviews but only Taher answered and he asked to know the goal of 
this new feature.

It was actually developed for a client who needed to get from one OFBiz 
instance on a server (on a domain) to another OFBiz instance on another
server (on another domain) without having to sign up between the 2 while 
keeping things secure.

There could be many reasons why you want to split OFBiz application on servers. 
In their case it was for performance issues.

The technology used is as secure as possible. Like OAuth 2.0 it uses a token 
but it does not need a middle authorization server (think to  two-factor
authentication) because it's only for OFBiz instances of the same version.

To commit this work we need 1st to agree an commit the work done by Deepak at OFBIZ-9833 
"Token Based Authentication" that I use in my last patch.

For me there is only one question outstanding: how to store the Token secret. 
But this should not prevent us to commit Deepak's work.

It's now a long time (9 months) since I started this work. And my last patch is 
ready for a month.

I crossed several issues which are now all resolved. So please review and 
answer to this thread.

Without negative comments well argumented I'll commit both OFBIZ-9833 and 
OFBIZ-10307 in a week. You can always test and review later, we use RTC.

Also a veto on a commit is always possible... Of course, as ever, a good 
consensus is preferred.

Let me know if you need more information about the goal. For the technical 
details I think I already provided them the in OFBIZ-10307.


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