Hello Pritam,

Maybe I arrived after the war still I wish sharing my opinion :)

General term Sms seems to be too specific, I would've oriented on TelecomGateway

* ProductStoreTelecomGatewaySetting (too long :))
* TelecomGatewayConfig
* TelecomGatewayConfigType, and so on

For the attributes :
* configId is too generic and already use on productConfig entity. It's preferable to have unique name in OFBiz as primaryKey (same for settingId) * parentSmsConfigTypeId need to rename on parentTypeId if you want to follow EntityType pattern.

Why set the purpose (smsTypeId) on SmsTemplateSetting instead of on ProductStoreSmsSetting where the template application will be done ?

What do you imagine behind the CustomMethod linked to SmsTemplateSetting ?

That's all I'll stop bothering you :)



On 02/07/2018 11:22, Pritam Kute wrote:
Hello Devs,

Sorry for such a long delay.

Thanks, Michael for your inputs. I have added design proposal for the SMS
gateway integration and can be accessed here

Please go through the design and let me know if there are any questions,
suggestions or improvements which we can do.

Thanks to Devanshu Vyas and Aishwary Shrivastava for helping me with the
design and documentation.

Thanks and Regards
Pritam Kute

On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 4:33 PM Michael Brohl <michael.br...@ecomify.de>


Looking forward to the design proposal.

You can use the wiki with a new page under

to provide the details and support collaboration.



Am 26.08.17 um 13:31 schrieb Pritam Kute:
Hi Devs,

Many e-commerce businesses (especially operating in Asian countries)
nowadays use short messaging service (SMS) in mobile phones to notify and
update customers about order details, shipment statuses etc.

I would like to propose an SMS Gateway Integration in Ofbiz. I will share
proposed design details with you all soon. Till then, I would like to
your thoughts on this idea.

Thanks and Regards
Pritam Kute

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