A big post for saying that the feature i just wanted to recall about do
not fit your need :).

I used it in the past for a critical audit, and was happy with it.

Le 14:23 - vendredi 26 avril, Pierre Smits a écrit :
> Gill, all,
> The entity_audit_log feature also sprung into my mind shortly after I
> posted my comment.


> And last but not least: he fourth -1 regarding the
> 'enable_audit_log'-feature is that it doesn't appear to be working as
> expected. I did a cursory test with an order some moments ago in ofbiz (see
> [1]) and it does not capture the old values on the line items. But I may be
> misunderstanding the screen/process there.

In my experience i got old and new value, date and userLogin.


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