Curious I compared the plugins from and : no differences :-\

Le 23/11/2019 à 21:50, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
I checked, I'm not concerned :)

But I wonder if it was really OK at a521de9ad8a0b5a0f9ceadab348c46d7961ff89a. 
Because the 1st error is

> Task :compileJava
 error: cannot find symbol
        List<String> naturalKeyFields = 
UtilGenerics.checkList(context.get("naturalKeyFields"), String.class);

And this class has not been changed for almost 3 years. Same for all classes in 
birt plugin, and I guess in all plugins components.

There are 38 errors and 67 warnings. Seems most issues are related with casting. This was when using (up to date) directly inside as plugins dir.

I then tried using "gradlew pullAllPluginsSource" and got 37862 errors. I don't understand the difference because with "gradlew pullAllPluginsSource"even not modified "framework" classes are concerned by errors when in the 1st case it's only plugins classes

I did not went further...


Le 23/11/2019 à 17:07, Mathieu Lirzin a écrit :
I recently pulled the latest commit, and I noticed that latest commits
have introducted linting issues.

Since a521de9ad8a0b5a0f9ceadab348c46d7961ff89a ‘gradlew check’ fails.

Pawan Verma, Nicolas Malin and Jacques Le Roux can you fix the java code
you have written to conform to OFBiz coding style ?


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