Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> writes:

> Le 02/12/2019 à 18:18, Mathieu Lirzin a écrit :
>> Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> writes:
>>> With OFBIZ-11302 Mathieu removed the ofbizDebug Gradle task, because "ofbiz 
>>> --debug-jvm" can be used instead.
>> This is now ‘gradlew "ofbiz" --debug-jvm’ with the --debug-jvm outside
>> of the double quotes.
> g ofbiz --debug-jvm (no quotes at all) works on Windows (I use g as shortcut 
> to gradlew)

Yes that works with Bash too. But if you want to pass options to ofbiz
you need to add the quotes in order for the gradle template tasks to
match, like ‘gradlew "ofbiz --start" --debug-jvm’.

IMHO the fact that someone like you which is a seasoned OFBiz
contributor is getting confused by the syntax of the syntactic sugar
provided by task templates is a strong sign we should *not* use this
kind of obscure black magic and use the standard and *documented* ‘run’
task instead [1] which would read like the following:

    gradlew run --args="--start" --debug-jvm

[1] https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/application_plugin.html

>>> I have no problem with this change, it's easy to remember. Though I
>>> like the idea of having syntax sugar to easy remember commands, like
>>> ofbizDebug and ofbizBackground
>>> BTW ofbizDebug still appears when you run "gradlew tasks". And don't we 
>>> lose the "<Commands>" part?
>> On my machine ‘gradlew tasks’ do not include ofbizDebug on trunk.
> Right, I must have tested before pulling or something
> So, if nobody is against this change, I'll create a new shortcut for the 
> whole command, et voilà :) Not a problem with me.

Mathieu Lirzin
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