On Mon, 6 Jan 2020 at 20:29, Samuel Trégouët <samuel.trego...@nereide.fr>

>   what is OFBiz public API?
> In my opinion we need an answer for this question otherwise we need to
> discuss every single changement! which seems to be really cumbersome!
> And even if we discuss every single changement how to decide it is good
> for our community: *one* other contributor thumb-up is enough? maybe
> *two*? do we need to wait forever if others don't care about a
> particular changement?

Hi Samuel,

I think this isn't a choice between having a public API and cumbersome
decision making. An API is a bits and bytes thing and won't magically
streamline decision making. A better architected, designed and understood
API will help **people** get an **initial impression** of what is easy to
refactor and re-implement.  Being clearer about it would be a good thing.
There is still the potential that a change that seems simple and
straightforward to one contributor is disruptive to others. And if it truly
is disruptive, we should collaborate on what comes next. Are the benefits
worth the disruption? Should there be some sort of deprecation, phase-out
or backwards compatibility option? I can't clearly define what "big" is,
but I know it when I see it.

And as a starting point for making these decisions, I suggest
https://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html#decision-making .


Paul Foxworthy

Coherent Software Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 2773
Cheltenham Vic 3192

Phone: +61 3 9585 6788
Web: http://www.coherentsoftware.com.au/
Email: i...@coherentsoftware.com.au

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