Hi Jacopo,

I'm not sure about it, a few thoughts:

It feels a bit strange to release the 17.12.01 framework without having compatible 17.12.01 releases of the plugins. Users might be confused which plugins they could use to work with the 17.12.01 framework release. This would speak for a 17.12.01 release at the same time.

The plugins evolve very differently which means that there could be changes in some plugins warranting a 17.12.02 relase at some time, while others might not have changed at all. It would be strange if plugins get a new release version if they have not changed at all.

It might be a good idea to mix the appraoches: start with a 17.12.01 release of framework and plugins at the same time and then put out new releases of the framework and single plugins (not all) as the community sees fit.

We might have to adjust our Jira tags a little bit to make sure that we can tag the framework release, all-plugins release and single plugin release independently. The current release view does mix them all together (https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/OFBIZ/versions/12338772).

I have some thoughts about our release strategy in general but will create another thread for it.


Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de

Am 08.02.20 um 11:04 schrieb Jacopo Cappellato:
Hi all,

based on various threads in this list, the time we will prepare the first
release from the 17.12 branch is getting close and, since this is the first
one in which the plugins are separated from the framework, there are a
few decisions to take.

Should we release two products or just one as in the past?
Two products mean:
"Apache OFBiz Framework 17.12.01"
"Apache OFBiz Plugins 17.12.01"
One product mean"
"Apache OFBiz 17.12.01" (framework + plugins)

Alternatively, we could publish the two products at different times; first
publish "Apache OFBiz Framework 17.12.01" and then later in the year
publish "Apache OFBiz Plugins 17.12.01"; if this is going to happen then we
could have for example multiple releases of the Plugins based on the same
release of the framework.

One other option is to release independently each plugin (or the ones that
we consider stable enough) rather than all the plugins in one file.



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