
Of course, I have my own opinion. Here are my answers to these questions.

1. By default in OFBiz the session timeout is 1 hour. After that, OFBiz 
generates a new CSRF token before you sign in. I think for OFBiz applications
   it's enough security. Of course we could have more fancy defenses like banks 
which are using random numeric pads for authentication and two-factor
   authentication for important operations. Or companies like GitHub which use 
two-factor authentication in case of machine or browser change. I
   don't think it's needed OOTB for OFBiz applications. Some users may need it 
but it's then to them to implement what they specifically need. So
   random values generated by java.security.SecureRandom are safe enough in my 
2. If someone tries to use a not auth protected request the CSRF defenses 
(token + same-site) will not allow it from another domain if csrf-token is
   not set to false. That's already reassuring and we maybe not need to worry much about 
the remaining 195 cases where auth="false". Because there
   are some obviously needed, like all those related to login or password 
change. For the others it may turn out that they are also needed for other
   reasons. For them we need to test them one by one and in some case need to 
set csrf-token to false, for instance in case of requests in an
   anonymous flow. So finally, despite the remaining 195 cases, it should not 
be too hard and too long to decide on this.

Also note that with OFBIZ-11470 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-11470> we are more secured, in a CSRF perspective, with the same-site cookie attribute. It's not perfect in itself, but according to OWASP, it's the perfect duo for CSRF defense when associated with CSRF tokens.

I continue to work on the remaining 195 cases where auth="false"...



Le 27/03/2020 à 19:16, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Hi All,

Before I create a PR as a last opportunity to allow reviews and tests, I'd like 
to ask 2 last questions:

1. should we not use a JWT rather than a (pseudo) random value for the CSRF 
token, this for timeout reason? Don't get me wrong I'm sure that the
   random values generated by java.security.SecureRandom, as currently used, are safe enough. It's just that I wonder about the timeout. Should we care?
2. In relation with OFBIZ-4956, we need to check the remaining 195 cases where 
auth="false" and decide if we should change to "true", with the CSRF
   defense then used by default. In other cases (auth="false" must remain) we 
need to decide if should set the CSRF token check to false.

Apart that my https://github.com/JacquesLeRoux/ofbiz-framework/tree/POC-for-CSRF-Token-OFBIZ-11306 branch is ready to create a PR. We can't wait too long about those 2 points, even if the 2nd needs a "bit" of work. Anyway, for now I'll wait answers, and hopefully help for OFBIZ-4956.



Le 26/03/2020 à 07:39, James Yong a écrit :
+1 with CSRF defense enabled in Demo

I thought about that a bit more. I suggest to let the stable version (soon, 
R17) as is, ie with  CSRF defense enabled. This way users, mostly
interested in stable, would  see the real situation.

And to use the NoCsrfDefenseStrategy in trunk. So developers, often brought to 
use the trunk for development reasons, would have more latitude; as
they certainly will do locally.

If nobody disagree we will do so at 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-11472 with Swapnil

If we do so, the link https://demo-stable.ofbiz.apache.org/ordermgr/control/main?USERNAME=admin&PASSWORD=ofbiz&JavaScriptEnabled=Y will no longer work.

https://demo-stable.ofbiz.apache.org/ordermgr should be used and we need to 
update https://ofbiz.apache.org/ofbiz-demos.html for that.


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