Hi Jacques,

What kind of ordering are you looking for the webapp menu items?
Customer specific ordering?


On 2020/10/08 10:34:08, Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote: 
> Hi,
> Today Deepak answered on user ML 
> https://markmail.org/message/syzvyyueheejyyce how to order webapps titles in 
> main menu.
> BTW OOTB it would work for <webapp name="order" only if you do the same in 
> birt where there is a 2nd <webapp name="order" ;)
> I think we already discussed that in the past but I don't clearly remember 
> the result and I'd like to be sure about that.
> Should we not order webapps by default?
> For instance I don't like much to have firstdatapaymentgateway visible at the 
> top in the main bar for the default theme.
> And globally having more important apps in 1st places would be better.
> What do you think?
> Jacques

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