Hello Nicolas, Pierre,

Thanks for your feedback, I replied to the issue.

@Pierre: I would like to be able to use a "slim" OFBiz version but that is not easy to do at the moment.

I would like to announce my intention to work on this issue.

One way that would get us closer to a "Slim" (composable) OFBiz is to have concrete gradle projects for OFBiz components instead of dynamically created projects as we have now.

Once that is done, we could build and publish each component and assemble them in a different way than Apache OFBiz currently does.

I think this is doable and the project workflow will not change too much from how it is now.


On 29.07.2021 20:13, Pierre Smits wrote:
Hi Nicolas,

I wasn't aware of that constraint. Thanks for the insight.


Op do 29 jul. 2021 17:40 schreef Nicolas Malin <nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr>:



Yeah nice, I added some suggest to the PR, and create the linked jira
issue and we can push it on trunk


The service engine don't support an extension by plugins, you can't load
a new engine without change the framework.

In this case I prefer to load the minimal quantity of code to
demonstrate an engine on the OFBiz framework instead of

separate it in plugin and load it by apply a path or manually change the


On 29/07/2021 10:58, Pierre Smits wrote:
Hi Ioan,

Would it not be better for the community to be able to implement this set
of functionalities by means of a downloadable plugin?

It seems to me that - in a way - this levels up to plugins like the
indexing (lucene) or the REST plugins. Not every adopters would be keen
have this by default OOTB.

Best regards,
Pierre Smits

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 10:23 PM Eugen Stan <eugen.s...@netdava.com>

Hello Nicolas,

Thanks for the suggestions.
I've made a PR for this:

* has a service test
* has a service example

(defn echo-service
    "Echo back all the parameters"
    [dctx ctx]
    (doto (new java.util.LinkedHashMap)
      (.putAll ctx)
      (.put ModelService/RESPONSE_MESSAGE ModelService/RESPOND_SUCCESS)))

On 07.07.2021 09:58, Nicolas Malin wrote:

Thanks for this detail email and your works.

I'm not opposed to load closure in OFBiz code base for same reason that
you exposed.

For success the inclusion, I suggest to rename the namespace to
org.apache.ofbiz, add test one framework/service/testdef and an example
"hello world" service.

Thanks Eugen !

Eugen Stan
+40720 898 747 / netdava.com

Eugen Stan
+40720 898 747 / netdava.com

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