Hello OFBiz community,

A few weeks ago, we made an announcement for an IDEA plugin for OFBiz.
Though we didn't get any return on it, we'd like to insist on what this may bring to the community. It was designed to make OFBiz development easier, mostly for junior OFBiz devs. Seniors have their own habits for navigation towards service, entity, or file locations, but for a junior (such as me) it can be difficult at first. We made this as the tool I'd have liked to have when I began working with ofbiz.

For example let's see this case (from `ContentManagmentServices.java`):
Map<String, Object> thisResult = dispatcher.runSync("createContent", contentContext);     if (ServiceUtil.isError(thisResult) || ServiceUtil.isFailure(thisResult)) {         return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ContentContentCreatingError", UtilMisc.toMap("serviceName", "persistContentAndAssoc"), locale), null, null, thisResult);

For a junior, it might be unclear where to find the definition of the `createContent` service. The plugin allows you to simply `CTRL+Click` on the service name to navigate towards the definition. As a bonus, you can even `CTRL+Click`the name of the label and navigate to the property definition. The same goes for entity name (and we plan to add a quick doc popup for fields contained in the entity definition).

We really think this has the potential to soften the framework's first impression of complexity that some people might feel.
Knowing that a tool exists to help you build with OFBiz could help a lot.

The idea is to get feedback of the interest for the community and to eventually contribute it into Apache OFBiz repository.

Is there a place to find OFBiz related tools, or should we let it in Github as it is (https://github.com/Nereide-lab/idea-ofbiz-plugin)?

OFBiz junior dev and enthusiast.

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