Bonjour Gaitan, All,

First of all, I truly appreciate what you and your fellow team members at
Nereide have done for OFBiz developers (working at system integrators)
using IntelliJ. Like you, I presume that there are more OFBiz developers
(like a lot more) out there. There might even be quite a number using
IntelliJ as their goto IDE for creating, bug fixing and otherwise improving
OFBiz functions. But we don't know. Not about how many, or their level of

You mentioned in your posting: intended for junior developers. IMO, if such
junior developers are working for a system integrator, then I would expect
that they be trained in the ways of the (senior developers of the) the
system integrator.
Also, while great effort has been spent by contributors on easing the life
of fellow contributors (and subsequently has trickled down into the ways of
working at (other) system integrators, the primary goal of this project is
to deliver something open source and useful to the users (businesses doing
ecommerce, manufacturing, warehousing, ordering, etc, in short a suite of
solutions around ERP processes, but also to their employees/workers with
varying permissions and roles). As our website states (see [1]) as what
OFBiz is: Apache OFBiz is a suite of business applications flexible enough
to be used across any industry

Again, I truly appreciate the effort you and your fellow team mates spent
on creating this plugin for developers using IntelliJ. And thank you
providing the link to where it can be found.
If I would ever change over to IntelliJ, I will surely remember this thread
and take it from the Nereide repository. And I will be happy advising new
contributors using IntelliJ to check out your plugin at the Nereide
repository in Github. IMO, having it there is a good thing. And having it
remain there till the end of days is something I can be happy with.

As you know, there are many IDEs out there in assisting an OFBiz developer.
Even the CLI can be used as the goto development tool (but that is beside
the point).This project should not move away from its primary focus, and
have contributors divert their attention to a plugin they may not care
about (because they don't use the IntelliJ). Should their be contributors
not working for Nereide, and being junior, and using IntelliJ together with
your plugin in their local development fork, I am confident that they can
bring accolades (and issues if they experience such, or improvement
suggestions) to you directly. They would know where to find you.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Pierre Smits
*Proud* *contributor** of* Apache OFBiz <> since
2008 (without privileges)
Proud contributor to the ASF since 2006

*Apache Directory <>, PMC Member*

On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 3:53 PM Gaetan <> wrote:

> Hello OFBiz community,
> A few weeks ago, we made an announcement for an IDEA plugin for OFBiz.
> Though we didn't get any return on it, we'd like to insist on what this
> may bring to the community.
> It was designed to make OFBiz development easier, mostly for junior
> OFBiz devs.
> Seniors have their own habits for navigation towards service, entity, or
> file locations, but for a junior (such as me) it can be difficult at first.
> We made this as the tool I'd have liked to have when I began working
> with ofbiz.
> For example let's see this case (from ``):
> ```java
> Map<String, Object> thisResult = dispatcher.runSync("createContent",
> contentContext);
>      if (ServiceUtil.isError(thisResult) ||
> ServiceUtil.isFailure(thisResult)) {
>          return
> ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource,
> "ContentContentCreatingError", UtilMisc.toMap("serviceName",
> "persistContentAndAssoc"), locale), null, null, thisResult);
>      }
> ```
> For a junior, it might be unclear where to find the definition of the
> `createContent` service.
> The plugin allows you to simply `CTRL+Click` on the service name to
> navigate towards the definition.
> As a bonus, you can even `CTRL+Click`the name of the label and navigate
> to the property definition.
> The same goes for entity name (and we plan to add a quick doc popup for
> fields contained in the entity definition).
> We really think this has the potential to soften the framework's first
> impression of complexity that some people might feel.
> Knowing that a tool exists to help you build with OFBiz could help a lot.
> The idea is to get feedback of the interest for the community and to
> eventually contribute it into Apache OFBiz repository.
> Is there a place to find OFBiz related tools, or should we let it in
> Github as it is (
> Gaetan,
> OFBiz junior dev and enthusiast.

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