Hi Daniel,

I was considering to commit in trunk because of the pending changes I have for OFBIZ-12721 "Replace all occurrences of java.util.TimeZone by java.time.ZoneId" and this one. But I finally decided not. I can live with it until we decide to run under Gradle 7.6 and JDK 17. I do and had no issues for a month before running integration tests.

The workaround is easy, the rest I doubt. Like this comment at top of 

    /** Contains the fields for this entity. Note that this should always be a
     *  HashMap to allow for two things: non-synchronized reads (synchronized
     *  writes are done through synchronized setters) and being able to store
     *  null values. Null values are important because with them we can 
     *  between desiring to set a value to null and desiring to not modify the
     *  current value on an update.
    private Map<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<>();

There are certainly solutions but I guess not as easy as the workaround.

Also, I'm not much worried, but as we know JDK 11 will no longer be supported 
without paying in 2023. Could be an issue for prospects or even clients.

Last but not least, I'd like to run the demos under Gradle 7.6 and JDK 17. I'm confident it should work after running the tests. That would accelerate things (more free testing)...


Le 21/12/2022 à 12:09, Daniel Watford a écrit :
Hi Jacques,

Will you be committing your fix/workaround under OFBIZ-12726?

If this change goes in to the code perhaps we should consider it a stop-gap
to unblock moving OFBiz to JDK 17 as it seems to go again the spirit of
strong encapsulation described in the migration guide you linked to: Migrating
 From JDK 8 to Later JDK Releases (oracle.com)
I do support the workaround though as otherwise our option is to remain on
older JDKs for the time being.

We should probably have an aim to remove the workaround in a future
release to try and bring ofbiz into compliance with JDK encapsulation - but
this could be a 'back burner' task.


On Wed, 21 Dec 2022 at 10:23, Jacques Le Roux<jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>


I closed OFBIZ-12726 as fixed.

Fortunately, simply adding --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED
into applicationDefaultJvmArgs in build.gradle fixed the whole issues.


Le 20/12/2022 à 12:28, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
I have createdhttps://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12726  for
Le 20/12/2022 à 12:22, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Yes of course, it's a "typo" :)

Le 20/12/2022 à 12:02, Michael Brohl a écrit :
You are confusing me, Jacques.

There is no release 20.01.01, its 22.01.01, right?

Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH -www.ecomify.de

Am 20.12.22 um 11:55 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
You are right, confident as all seamed to go well running OFBiz, I
did not ran integration tests yet
There is a lot of work to do regarding those. Currently we have 322
errors and 190 failures.
I'm still confident that it should not be as hard as it looks to fix,
but indeed that could maybe take several weeks.
So releasing 20.01.01 with gradle 7.6 and JDK 17, seems indeed a bit
In order to accelerate releasing 20.01.02, or next, with gradle 7.6
and JDK 17, I suggest to run the demos with them.
What do you guys think?


Le 20/12/2022 à 09:33, Michael Brohl a écrit :
In my opinion, before we do a RELEASE based on a new JDK (doing a
step from 8 to 17), we should have some serious testing with different
environments etc.

It's only a few weeks since the change which is much different from
the long stabilization phases we had in the past.
How can we organize this?

Best regards,

Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH -www.ecomify.de

PS: we could do some testing on Mac and Ubuntu but it will take some
Am 20.12.22 um 07:53 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
Hi All,

After Eugen suggested so, for few weeks now I'm using 7.6 and JDK
17 without any problems.
For that, we have OFBIZ-12400 "Upgrade to gradle 7.6 - support jdk
11 -> 17" with 2 minor subtasks open.
I suggest that you also test on your side in order to allow to
release the 22.01.01 version with this configuration.


Le 19/12/2022 à 14:13, Nicolas Malin a écrit :

I'm agree for the 22.01,
I'm just disappointed to didn't find the time to present our work
on the new decorator and theme for this release, but sure for the next :)

On 16/12/2022 10:12, Daniel Watford wrote:

The ofbiz project recently announced there would be no further
releases for

Has there been any releases for version 21.01, and if so should
they be
downloadable from the ofbiz website?



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