best way to prove this is to have a menu in a new app.
point it to two different screens one in each app.
try to get both screens to work with out error.
even using your code.

BJ Freeman sent the following on 12/17/2007 1:39 PM:
> you did not say to change
> <decorator-screen name="main-decorator"
> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
> so even your change will not work.
> Adrian Crum sent the following on 12/17/2007 1:32 PM:
>> That line wouldn't exist if you made the change I suggested.
>> Make the code changes, THEN tell me what's wrong with it. Telling me
>> what's already wrong with it is pointless - I already know the existing
>> code doesn't work.
>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>> I beg to differ with you.
>>> where is
>>>                 <decorator-screen
>>> name="CommonCommunicationEventDecorator"
>>> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
>>> defined
>>> where is
>>>                 <decorator-screen name="main-decorator"
>>> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
>>> in the CommonPartyDecorator defined.
>>> Adrian Crum sent the following on 12/17/2007 1:03 PM:
>>>> ListPartyCommEvents request maps to ListPartyCommEvents view, that maps
>>>> to
>>>> component://party/widget/partymgr/CommunicationScreens.xml#ListPartyCommEvents.
>>>> The ListPartyCommEvents screen in CommunicationScreens.xml doesn't
>>>> contain anything specific to the Party Manager's web.xml file. I don't
>>>> see what the problem is.
>>>> Maybe you should include an exact error message.
>>>> -Adrian
>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>> I have a menu, no screens, that calls ListPartyCommEvents
>>>>> this goes to the party controller to resolve.
>>>>> the party controller uses it view for ListPartyCommEvents
>>>>> It can not read the party web.xml so will error even with your changes.
>>>>> so lets say i put in a mainDecoratorLocation in my web xml and
>>>>> define it
>>>>> like the one in the party commonscreens.xml
>>>>> so far so good.
>>>>> Now I call a screen in say Product. except the mainDecoratorLocation
>>>>> for
>>>>> it has a different main-decorator. so all the requirements are not
>>>>> defined in the party main-Decorator I have ported over.
>>>>> we still have a problem since all the apps main-decorators are not the
>>>>> same.
>>>>> now if the main-decorators were all the same then I could use one
>>>>> location in any of the apps and everything would be ok
>>>>> Adrian Crum sent the following on 12/17/2007 12:40 PM:
>>>>>> 1. Move the CommonCommunicationEventDecorator screen to the
>>>>>> communicationsscreens.xml file.
>>>>>> 2. Change all
>>>>>> <decorator-screen name="CommonCommunicationEventDecorator"
>>>>>> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> <decorator-screen name="CommonCommunicationEventDecorator"
>>>>>> location="${parameters.communicationEventDecoratorLocation}">
>>>>>> Since parameters.communicationEventDecoratorLocation isn't defined
>>>>>> anywhere, the location will evaluate to the current file:
>>>>>> communicationsscreens.xml. All communication screens still work the
>>>>>> same
>>>>>> in Party Manager, but now you can reuse those screens in another app.
>>>>>> When you use one of the communication screens in your custom app (via
>>>>>> included controller.xml file or otherwise) the
>>>>>> parameters.communicationEventDecoratorLocation still isn't defined
>>>>>> anywhere, so it still evaluates to the current file:
>>>>>> communicationsscreens.xml. The communication screen and the
>>>>>> CommonCommunicationEventDecorator will both appear - decorated with
>>>>>> your
>>>>>> custom app's main decorator.
>>>>>> (Optional) If someone didn't like the
>>>>>> CommonCommunicationEventDecorator,
>>>>>> then they could design their own and specify its location in
>>>>>> parameters.communicationEventDecoratorLocation.
>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok here is a real situation:
>>>>>>> take the party/widgets/partymgr/commicationsscreens.xml
>>>>>>> <decorator-screen name="CommonCommunicationEventDecorator"
>>>>>>> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
>>>>>>> which is the CommonSreens.xml
>>>>>>> which has
>>>>>>> <decorator-screen name="main-decorator"
>>>>>>> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
>>>>>>> the main-decorator has
>>>>>>>               <include-screen name="GlobalDecorator"
>>>>>>> location="component://common/widget/CommonScreens.xml"/>
>>>>>>> how would the be with your example
>>>>>>> Adrian Crum sent the following on 12/17/2007 9:33 AM:
>>>>>>>> BJ,
>>>>>>>> Go ahead and create one. I will work on it when I have time.
>>>>>>>> To be sure we're all on the same page, the problem exists when
>>>>>>>> screens
>>>>>>>> are nested as follows:
>>>>>>>> <screen name="GlobalDecorator">
>>>>>>>> <screen name="main-decorator">
>>>>>>>>  <screen name="sub-decorator">
>>>>>>>>    <screen name="actual-content">
>>>>>>>>      ...
>>>>>>>>    </screen>
>>>>>>>>  </screen>
>>>>>>>> </screen>
>>>>>>>> </screen>
>>>>>>>> and the location of the sub-decorator screen is defined as
>>>>>>>> ${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}. When a custom app tries to
>>>>>>>> reuse
>>>>>>>> the actual-content screen, errors are generated because
>>>>>>>> <decorator-screen name="sub-decorator"
>>>>>>>> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> evaluates to the
>>>>>>>> custom
>>>>>>>> app's main decorator xml file, and the sub-decorator screen doesn't
>>>>>>>> exist there.
>>>>>>>> The solution to the problem is to avoid using
>>>>>>>> ${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation} as a location for
>>>>>>>> sub-decorators and
>>>>>>>> either have no location specified or use a different parameter
>>>>>>>> for the
>>>>>>>> sub-decorator's location - like ${subDecoratorLocation}.
>>>>>>>> A good example of this approach is in AgreementScreens.xml in the
>>>>>>>> Accounting component. All of the Agreement screens share a common
>>>>>>>> sub-decorator (CommonAgreementDecorator) - and that decorator's
>>>>>>>> location
>>>>>>>> is specified as ${parameters.agreementDecoratorLocation}. The
>>>>>>>> agreementDecoratorLocation parameter isn't defined anywhere, so the
>>>>>>>> location= expression evaluates to an empty String - which causes the
>>>>>>>> screen widget view handler to look for CommonAgreementDecorator
>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>> existing file.
>>>>>>>> A custom app that reuses one of the Agreement screens will only
>>>>>>>> need to
>>>>>>>> specify the mainDecoratorLocation parameter. Since no
>>>>>>>> agreementDecoratorLocation parameter is defined in the custom
>>>>>>>> app, the
>>>>>>>> sub-decorator in AgreementScreens.xml is used (same as above). If a
>>>>>>>> custom app wanted to have a custom sub-decorator, then it can
>>>>>>>> specify
>>>>>>>> that decorator's location in the agreementDecoratorLocation
>>>>>>>> parameter.
>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I agree, it is not a controller or web.xml issue. However it is
>>>>>>>>> when it
>>>>>>>>> shows up.
>>>>>>>>> I will change them as I come along also.
>>>>>>>>> thanks, that is all I wanted to know.
>>>>>>>>> do you want to create a jira so I can submit changes?
>>>>>>>>> Adrian Crum sent the following on 12/17/2007 7:57 AM:
>>>>>>>>>> As I mentioned before, the problem is with the coding style on
>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>> screens, not with the controller or web.xml files. I recently
>>>>>>>>>> changed
>>>>>>>>>> some of the accounting screens to correct this error.
>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I am not really, trying to attach the context as a whole.
>>>>>>>>>>> only trying to get the mainDecoratorLocation
>>>>>>>>>>> which is stored as a context in web.xml.
>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is if I put mainDecoratorLocation, in my web.xml
>>>>>>>>>>> then all applications I call thru my controller, or the included
>>>>>>>>>>> ones,
>>>>>>>>>>> will use my mainDecoratorLocation full path.
>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe the solution is to put the main-decorator for all apps
>>>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>>>> framework/commons
>>>>>>>>>>> then like in many of the application they have specific
>>>>>>>>>>> decorators
>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> include the main-decorator.
>>>>>>>>>>> the problems is how to fill in the actions, etcetera
>>>>>>>>>>> Chris Howe sent the following on 12/15/2007 10:40 AM:
>>>>>>>>>>>> All the <include> does is grab some xml elements from the
>>>>>>>>>>>> location
>>>>>>>>>>>> described.  Theoretically, It doesn't even need to be from the
>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>> server, much less the same app (may have interesting
>>>>>>>>>>>> possibilities
>>>>>>>>>>>> BTW).  This is why I'm having such a hard time understanding
>>>>>>>>>>>> why you
>>>>>>>>>>>> are trying to attach context to it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: BJ Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 12:19:27 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Include of controllers
>>>>>>>>>>>> I was going thru the trunk and noticed this in all the
>>>>>>>>>>>> controllers
>>>>>>>>>>>> <include
>>>>>>>>>>>> location="component://common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml"/>
>>>>>>>>>>>> so there is a rule that says you can include a controller not
>>>>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> same app.
>>>>>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/10/2007 4:15 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Almost.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> when the included controller view calles a screen in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> partymgr
>>>>>>>>>>>> screen
>>>>>>>>>>>>> , and that screen calls for a parm that is web.xml. the parm
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> availible for the screen and so fails.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> At this time, the way I handle this is to put the parm in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Web.xml.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My suggestions was that if a call is made to a parm that would
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> applications, in this case partymgr, web.xml, that widget
>>>>>>>>>>>>> looks up
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> web.xml for that application to get it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris Howe sent the following on 11/10/2007 2:23 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Okay, I've read through the thread.  In that case, I might
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggest
>>>>>>>>>>>> to take a step back and look at what the two functionalities
>>>>>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>> designed to accomplish.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Creating the mainDecoratorLocation variable in the web.xml was
>>>>>>>>>>>> designed for _screen reuse. the include element in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> controller.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>> was designed for request/response maintenance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With that in mind, you can include another controller in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> custom
>>>>>>>>>>>> application and then override the view with one that points to
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> application.   If you wish to then include a screen from another
>>>>>>>>>>>> application you can use the <include-screen> element in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> screen
>>>>>>>>>>>> widget and
>>>>>>>>>>>> at the same time pass a parameters.mainDecoratorLocation to
>>>>>>>>>>>> override the
>>>>>>>>>>>> one gained from the web.xml context of the webapp being used.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It appears that what BJ is suggesting would make the screen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>>>>>>> called from the ofbiz application nonreusable except as
>>>>>>>>>>>> decorated
>>>>>>>>>>>> as it
>>>>>>>>>>>> is in the ofbiz project which defeats the entire purpose of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> mainDecoratorLocation variable.  Do I follow correctly?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: BJ Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 2:12:12 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Include of controllers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris the discussion is about using the include in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> controller.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and that the current way of putting the locations of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parameters
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the widgets for screen decorators is causing a problem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In a lot of apps the location is called out in the web.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <context-param>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <param-name>mainDecoratorLocation</param-name>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <param-value>component://party/widget/partymgr/CommonScreens.xml</param-value>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <description>The location of the main-decorator screen to use
>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this webapp; referred to as a context variable in screen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> def XML
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> files.</description>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> </context-param>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The suggeston is to take the location out to the web.xml and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> widget like so.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <decorator-screen name="CommonPartyDecorator"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> location="component://party/widget/partymgr/CommonScreens.xml">
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris Howe sent the following on 11/9/2007 9:14 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't been following the thread, but instead of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setting it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly in the widgets section, you may prefer to define
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the actions
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <action>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <set field="parameters.mainDecoratorLocation"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value="component://party/widget/partymgr/CommonScreens.xml"/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> </action>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <widget>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <include-screen name="splitScreen"/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> </widget>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <decorator-screen name="CommonPartyDecorator"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <screen name="splitScreen">
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <widget>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> </widget>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or something similar that it remains a variable so that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can
>>>>>>>>>>>> later
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> split the widget section out to be it's own screen so that it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used with the decorator in another webapp.  I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> screens
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you're worried  about here are that complex.  This has been a
>>>>>>>>>>>> better
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pattern for me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: BJ Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, November 9, 2007 9:57:00 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Include of controllers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just want to make sure we are all on the same page
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a widget screen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            <decorator-screen name="CommonPartyDecorator"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parameters.mainDecoratorLocation is in the Web.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <context-param>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <param-name>mainDecoratorLocation</param-name>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <param-value>component://party/widget/partymgr/CommonScreens.xml</param-value>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <description>The location of the main-decorator screen to use
>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this webapp; referred to as a context variable in screen def
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XML
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> files.</description>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> </context-param>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so to "fix"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            <decorator-screen name="CommonPartyDecorator"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> location="component://party/widget/partymgr/CommonScreens.xml">
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/9/2007 5:17 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok so the code that allows the context to be used in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> web.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being depreciated?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adrian Crum sent the following on 11/9/2007 5:11 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BJ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nothing is being reversed. You have pointed out a weakness
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some of the party manager screens are set up (they can't be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reused).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have confirmed they have a problem. So submitting a patch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FIXES
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue - it doesn't reverse anything.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will not submit a patch for what I am proposing, like a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code, it stays in the applications I am doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and since someone else put effort into what is in ofbiz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not plan to put effort into reversing it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adrian Crum sent the following on 11/9/2007 4:57 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BJ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I mentioned before, I believe it would be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> better/easier to
>>>>>>>>>>>> fix
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> party manager screens. Including web.xml files will open
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up a
>>>>>>>>>>>> big
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worms.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hans:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did not put the CommonCommunicationEventDecorator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> location
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> context in web.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this was done by someone else and is a standard through
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ofbiz
>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> far as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i can tell.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I take the path of least resistance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since it is possible to put context in the web.xml and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> someone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot of effort into refactoring ofbiz to this standard, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intention of undoing it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so my focus for my code will be to have the web.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> included
>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unless the powers to be say there is going to be a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> practices.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hans Bakker sent the following on 11/7/2007 5:47 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Bj,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> request (or provide a patch) that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CommonCommunicationEventDecorator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is moved to the xml file as defined in the web.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parameter.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> request that the 'location' parameter is defined in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> screen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then you can use this screen in your own application
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decorator.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hans
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 13:42 -0800, BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a controller.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it has the include for the partymgr in it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a menu widget that calls the partmgr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have the PartymgrDecoratorLocation in my web.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so I get to the find screen OK.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a few others in my web.xml as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so I can navigate.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however if you don't have these in your web.xml that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directory as the controller.xml you are using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://localhost:8443/myapp/control/partymgr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then you get messages like this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException: Error rendering
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> screen
>>>>>>>>>>>> [component://party/widget/partymgr/CommunicationScreens.xml#EditCommunicationEvent]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> screen
>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [CommonCommunicationEventDecorator] in the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> screen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name [EditCommunicationEvent] (Could not find screen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>> name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [CommonCommunicationEventDecorator] in the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> screen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name [EditCommunicationEvent])
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BJ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you have any specific examples of what you're
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> describing?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/5/2007 3:59 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorry not a complete thougt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is not a real bug.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when you included another contorller
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and there is a commonscreen.xml defined in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> web.xml of
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calling
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> controller application it causes an error.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so maybe puttting the application name before
>>>>>>>>>>>> commonescreens
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eliminate that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/5/2007 3:55 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is not a real bug.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when you included another contorller
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it has a commonscreen.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another is that when the the other widget from the
>>>>>>>>>>>> included
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> controller
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calls for a context that is in the web.xml of that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it is not found.

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