Vikas Mayur wrote:
1) What is the best way to show navigation options in a list form. Either
<screenlet> should be used or not.

In my opinion (and others can chime in with theirs - that's the intent of this thread) screenlets should be used ONLY to separate sections of a screen that have different and distinct functions. The order entry and party profile screens are good examples of breaking up a complicated screen using screenlets.

In the Fixed Asset area in the Accounting component, there are a lot of screens that have a list of items and a data entry form to add an item to the list. I updated the UI on those screens to remove the screenlets that contained the list, because a list (or table) is visually distinct from the rest of the screen - it doesn't need the help of a screenlet.

As far as navigation options are concerned, I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean the pagination menu, then the one supplied by the form widget should be fine.

I gave the screenlet widget the ability to put the pagination menu in its title bar, but I'm beginning to change my view on that. I'm starting to think that the screenlet title bar should contain only the title and (optionally) the expand/collapse control. Here's why - some screens have things in the title bar that are hard to notice. Like the order entry process - where the Continue button is in a title bar. That's the last place I would look for a Continue button - nearly everyone puts that sort of thing at the bottom of the screen.

Putting the pagination menu in the title bar is a bad idea because it's inconsistent. The user may be used to seeing the pagination menu rendered by the form widget, then they come across a screen where it has been moved to the screenlet title bar. That might be a cause of confusion.

I would really like to hear other opinions on the screenlet title bar contents. Right now my opinion is "less is more."

2) If a screen has a list and add form, what should be the order of these
forms (I have seen in your recent work that add form should come on top and
I completely
    agree with this).

I believe the form should be on top of the list. Otherwise, as you add items to the list, the form is scrolled off the bottom of the screen.

BTW, I have tried to use <screenlet> widget instead of <container> in
screens for sfa component but the results are weird. The screenlet bar comes
out bigger in size. I will try to find out the cause but would appreciate
help on this as well.

Give me a link and I'll take a look at it.


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