From: "Vikas Mayur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Adrian Crum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, you are saying the list should contain all records when the page is
first displayed, and then it can be refined by the user if needed. Is that

Yes -  that is correct indeed. But again this is just my thoughts and would
like to hear from you (others) whether it is something doable (if this could
be part of standard convention(s)).

Why not as long as the list is shown with a reasonable default length

1) About the "+" "-" button, I did not notice them until I really searched for it (after I saw a remark about them in ML I guess). It's a good idea and a good replacement for the double pages proposed by Scott. But then they should be *much more* visible.

2) Find as the button name is fine to me.

3) +1

BTW I remember having suggested some changes months (or years?) ago. I will try 
to find my propositions




Vikas Mayur wrote:

I also see few difference in find functionality:

1) When a user click on tab button - find button or any other option like
facilities under Facility, projects under Project, In my opinion the
result(s) should be shown by
   default as is done in projects. It is upon user choice to use search
options or not.
   See the difference between
https://localhost:8443/projectmgr/control/FindProject and
https://localhost:8443/accounting/control/findPayments or
2) Naming convention of button in search form (Find or Search). I think
button is used in new work.
3) Making all forms to adhere to one convention so that we can do the
necessary cleanups, like for example in find party screen to just have a
Find / Search button in
   instead of Lookup Party and Show all records

  Thoughts please.


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