
I got tons of issues with Eclipse 3.4 both on Windows and Linux (I used the J2EE distro i have alos dowloaded the classic one but not yet tried). I got back to 3.4M7 on Windows which is working like a charm but Mylyn (Mylyn can't be updated in 3.4M7). I suppose indeed that there is a problem with Subversion integration at large (I use Subclipse preferablyà. I quickly saw some indications in one existing workspace's log I unsuccessufully tried to load on Windows about subversion issue. I will retry later by importing projects one by one...

On a fresh new Linux installation (only the OS Ubuntu 8.04 up to date so far) I was not even able to launch Eclipse 3.4 :(. I used the J2EE distro.
I did not try yet on my dual boot dev machine with Ubuntu LTS 6.06 (I think I'm 
still using Eclipse 3.3.1 on this machine)

I will let you know, how it's going. It seems that there is something wrong in this release, it was so easy to switch from M2 to M3 then M4 and finally M7...


From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

are you using a plugin for SVN in Eclipse 3.4? I tried with the  "subversive" 
plugin but it didn't work for me (but chances are I
did  something wrong).


On Jun 26, 2008, at 11:34 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

BTW Eclipse 3.4 is out, I use it from the 3.4M2 release (August  2007). In my 
opininon it's really better than any versions
before.  Not only in term of features but also *stability* (at least on  
Windows, I did not have many issues - if any - on Linux


From: "Ashish Vijaywargiya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am also using the Freemarker plugin distributed by Jboss.
Its working fine for me.
On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:06 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
I just noticed that Freemarker 2.4 is not yet available
It's not needed for the 1st builtin replacement but we should  preferably
use this version as explained in the link below.
We may wait for 2.4 to do this one...

BTW there is a new Eclipse Freemarker plugin from RedHat/JBoss IDE :
http://www.jboss.org/tools/download/index.html (i used the
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable link)


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I did it locally, but I wonder now if it's a good idea since ? exists and
?if_exists are more readable than ?? and !
?exists and ?if_exists still work and and only ! is bringing some  more
features (mostly dealing with false also). If we don'"t do it  now, maybe in
a future we will have to do it. It's a 10 min work anyway...

I think that as soon as you are used to them (I mean ?? and !)  it's not a
big deal, but  please express yourself



From: "Vikas Mayur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 10:56 PM, Jacques Le Roux <

Hi All,

Why do you think about updating all our templates following
http://freemarker.sourceforge.net/docs/ref_depr_builtin.html ?
At least the second and the third could be done automatically.


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