The idea of having more generic lat/long coordinates is interesting. For example, we could:

1. add lat/long fields to ContactMech
2. create a new ContactMechType for geo-spatial coordinates like this, like "TerrestrialPosition" or something 3. add a new entity for TerrestrialPosition that is independent of the ContactMech and Geo entities, and then related to with other entities

We also need to discuss how to format these. They will probably need to be string/text values so we can store these in any database, so do we want the degrees/minutes/seconds/sub-seconds format, or the degress/ minutes/sub-minutes format, or the degrees/sub-degrees format, or something else?

Also, I'm wondering if there is a good open source java library for handling these, or even a standard object in the Java API (I'm not aware of one, but haven't looked either). It would be nice to have something to parse and normalize the strings and such, and of course do calculations for distance or to see if a coordinate is within a certain area, etc.

Jacques: for your needs now you might want to consider using extend- entity if your timeline is tight. I'm guessing this needs more discussion and research, etc before we get something good in place.


On Jun 28, 2008, at 12:34 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Hi Rob,

I tested with some commercial addresses I will need to locate (here in France) : results are not good enough... Morevover the company I will do that for is already using (lat., long.). So I will really need them. So my question to the community remains : PostalAddress or extend-entity ?




From: "Jacques Le Roux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thanks Rob,

This is an interesting information, I'm just discovering Google Map API and related...


From: "Rob Schapper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wouldn't it make more sense to use the google geocode methods to get the lat/long from an address rather then store that info in ofbiz?


On Jun 27, 2008, at 3:59 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Hi Chris,

It was a long time :o), thanks for comments

I need them to use with Google Map. To do something like
you can see there map.setCenter(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), 13);

Hopefully I will be able to do something general enough to be reusable (should not be too hard, the tough part is already done by


From: "Chris Howe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I wasn't going to comment on this because I don't think I have the time available to see the discussion through to the end, but after reading David's "Data Model Changes Post", I'll toss my two cents about this.

What are you wanting to ultimately do with Lat/Long? From my experience with GeoServer earlier this year, storing Lat/Long values is rather inconvenient when doing computations and placing points (and polygons) on Maps. It was much more convenient to store these points in the manner prescribed by postgis and using the methods that are provided in those kinds of packages. Also, as far as data modeling, it's somewhat innacurate (although depending on your application, possibly within acceptable bounds) to refer to
an address as a point that has the specificity you'd be assigning.

Jacques Le Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi,

I will need to add Latitude and Longitude fields in PostalAdress. Could this be a change commited ? I will also need to add a type PHONE_HOTLINE in ContactMechPurposeType.

Else, of course I will use



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