The ProdCatalog thingy is really only for the ecommerce site. For manager application styling and preferences it would be serious hack...


On Jul 11, 2008, at 9:58 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Well, the system we implemented here is set up with an XML file that has a selection of themes and where their files can be found. The XML file is also used to present the user with a menu of styles to choose from. Their selection is kept in user preferences.

I like your idea better though. Maybe the user preference could contain the primary key of a ProdCatalog record. The new MyPage component could have an area that displays all ProdCatalog records for the user to choose from.


David E Jones wrote:
Good question/point.... We're mainly just looking at skinning the ecommerce application, ie the OOTB templates. Something similar for the internal apps would be interesting... are you thinking of something like a personal preference? For that we could do something like specify or upload your own stylesheet (that would override any styles desired in the default one), or perhaps even get fancier and allow people to specify certain things that would go into a dynamically generated stylesheet of some sort to override the main stylesheet...
On Jul 11, 2008, at 9:47 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

That's great news! Will there also be a way to select the theme for the back office applications?


David E Jones wrote:
This is really much easier than it seems, and actually a couple of weeks ago I got a couple of people at Hotwax started working on some themes and some HTML/CSS enhancements to make the skinning more flexible. The plan we're thinking of is to use the existing the ProdCatalog stylesheet field to change the stylesheet, and possible extend that to support multiple stylesheets. With this approach all you have to do to add a theme is add a hot-deploy component that contains your CSS and image files in a webapp, and some data file with the ProdCatalog records that would probably be the same as the main demo ProdCatalog and be attached to the same store and categories, but with a different stylesheet. In this way you could also have different sets of products though, which would allow you to easily do some cool demo catalogs/sites for different sets and types of products.
On Jul 11, 2008, at 9:20 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
At the last developers conference, I had suggested to David Jones that we have a "CSS Style Sheet Shootout" - where different OFBiz developers could submit their themes to Jira and we could vote on them. The one with the most votes would get committed to the project. At the time there was too much embedded styling in the project - so it wouldn't work and, consequently, nothing was done. Things are different now and changing the style of the whole project is easier. So, I'm in agreement with that aspect of this thread.

Where I have a problem with this thread has already been mentioned - having multiple themes in the trunk will become a support nightmare. My preference would be to have the *capability* to switch themes built into the framework, but only have one theme in the trunk. Anyone wanting to supply additional themes could do so on their own. It could even develop into a cottage industry.


Ashish Vijaywargiya wrote:
On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 4:21 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
Bruno, Ashish,

Having them in separated directories, why not introduce a property in file (or somewhere else) to select the theme at will,
default being the one we use currently ?


From: "Bruno Busco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

thank you for your comments.
Well, of course if the themes are taken from the gallery there should be a information on the theme that tells you with which release of Ofbiz it can be used (now we could go with the SVN rev until we have the next release).

For the file overwritting we could think to have the theme in a special
folder (this is how many CMS do, for example Drupal).
So for example we could have:

the themesX folder should never be committed. And then have a UI that let
specify which theme between the availables must be used (this, as
could be in the user preferences).


2008/7/11 Ashish Vijaywargiya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Sorry for writing again on this.
But I see a loopwhole in this.

Suppose you are creating new maincss.css file.
Someone has downloaded your file and kept your file in images directory
removes the old one.
Now if user take update of Ofbiz on regular basis or we can say after
certain duration of time.
And if someone introduce a new class in Stylesheet file and uses it
extensively in some section so in this
case your file(maincss.css created by you) might not be having those new
classes entries.
So the layout will not be consistent.

What do you think about it Bruno ?


On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 1:49 AM, Ashish Vijaywargiya <


I like your idea.


On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 1:37 AM, Bruno Busco <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Hi devs,
I am writing a new maincss.css file and I will submit when finished.

I think that several other users/developers will write (or have
their .css files.
Since the graphical theme is something very subjective it will be
to agree with a unique theme and have it committed on SVN.
So I propose to open a OFBiz Theme Gallery on confluence where all
upload their own theme with a little screenshot.
All users could then browse the available theme, download it and copy
their ofbiz installation.

The standard theme format to uploaded could be a folder that contains
maincss.css file and relative gif files.

What do you think about?

Many thanks,

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