Hi Marek, hi all,

what's your point of view to that:

If everyone only would selling goods through orders, nobody has a problem.
But from a more general point of view, I think tax should be calculated 
independendly of the 'document type' used, in germany we have to include the 
tax calculations in every type i can think of:
orders, invoices, quotes, credit note
(on invoices and credit notes for tax auth. tasks; on orders and quotes for 
showing gros prices to customers)

Is this of interest to others here, or do you mainly sell goods through 


On Monday 14 July 2008 11:35, Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
> I mean table where we can find geos  definitions of tax type.
> US - > US : SALES_TAX (id of tax in TaxAuthorityRateType)
> US -> World : EXPORT_TAX
> Poland -> Poland : VAT (or VAT_PL)
> Poland -> EU : VAT (or VAT_PL or VAT_PL_EU)
> Germany -> Germany  : VAT or something more specialized
> In fact it can be table TaxAuthorityRateProduct,
> but there must be fromGeo there. productStore
> is not good to detect fromGeo for VAT (e.g. purchase).
> Then  in TaxAuthorityRateType would be definitions of
> tax calcluation service used for given tax.
> I think that this is the most basic step forward VAT.
> The next step is the problem of Order and Invoice  layout.
> Global invoice adjustements must be calculated down
> to line level becouse of possible different VAT rates
> for different products (e.g. one line 22% and another line
> 7%)
> If that would be done I see basic sales VAT support be ready to do.

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