Hi Marek, Roland,

About no taxes on invoice without passing by an order stage before : as it was already explained, the reason is obviously that most of the companies using OFBiz so far have not been interested by directly invoicing with taxes, like for services indeed.

From: "Marek Mosiewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi all

I think there is no problem to calculate tax for any tape of document.

What do you mean ? Not in OFBiz I guess, but at large I suppose?

By the way I found that 0% VAT is only applicable to goods (and BP has valid 

How, why and when 0% is used ? I thought exemption was the way in such cases.

Most services are taxed with appropriate VAT rate and are not deductible on 
if customer does not have branch in same country as seller. Little nightmare.

Please check if it is same in different countries in EU.

I'm not sure to understand the meaning of this last paragraph as we have 
already discussed the case of companies VAT numbers in EU,
for instance, which allow to not charge any VAT (is this related to the 0% rate 



----- Original Message ----- From: "Roland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dev@ofbiz.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: VAT - tax authority

Hi Marek, hi all,

what's your point of view to that:

If everyone only would selling goods through orders, nobody has a problem.
But from a more general point of view, I think tax should be calculated
independendly of the 'document type' used, in germany we have to include the
tax calculations in every type i can think of:
orders, invoices, quotes, credit note
(on invoices and credit notes for tax auth. tasks; on orders and quotes for
showing gros prices to customers)

Is this of interest to others here, or do you mainly sell goods through


On Monday 14 July 2008 11:35, Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
I mean table where we can find geos  definitions of tax type.
US - > US : SALES_TAX (id of tax in TaxAuthorityRateType)
US -> World : EXPORT_TAX
Poland -> Poland : VAT (or VAT_PL)
Poland -> EU : VAT (or VAT_PL or VAT_PL_EU)
Germany -> Germany  : VAT or something more specialized

In fact it can be table TaxAuthorityRateProduct,
but there must be fromGeo there. productStore
is not good to detect fromGeo for VAT (e.g. purchase).

Then  in TaxAuthorityRateType would be definitions of
tax calcluation service used for given tax.

I think that this is the most basic step forward VAT.
The next step is the problem of Order and Invoice  layout.
Global invoice adjustements must be calculated down
to line level becouse of possible different VAT rates
for different products (e.g. one line 22% and another line

If that would be done I see basic sales VAT support be ready to do.

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