

From: "BJ Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
think facilities should also have a geopoint along with a postal address
then the moving asset can be tracked relative to is origin or destination.

David E Jones sent the following on 8/9/2008 12:44 PM:

On Aug 9, 2008, at 1:13 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

--- On Sat, 8/9/08, David E Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Based on this and some other messages (lots of stuff
getting thrown
around), a proposal:

1. new entity called "GeoPoint" (to go along with Geo which is a
geographic boundary) with geoPointId as a sequenced primary key,
latitude and longitude floats, dataSourceId (just use the existing
DataSource entity)

2. there is no need for Well-Known-Text on GeoPoint as it is more
useful for describing a boundary, so let's put a wellKnownText field
on Geo instead of GeoPoint

3. for other entities that are at a single position add a geoPointId
to them; this would include Facility, PostalAddress (but NOT
ContactMech because most ContactMechs don't imply any
position, and even for PostalAddress it is only the case sometimes)

4. for entities that need a series or history of positions add a join
entity with the other entity's ID, a geoPointId, fromDate, thruDate,
etc; this would include FixedAsset, Party (applies to Person and
sometimes to PartyGroup, though some PartyGroups have no corporeal
form and so no location); for example add a FixedAssetGeoPoint entity
with fixedAssetId, geoPointId, and fromDate as the primary key and
thruDate as an additional field; note that it would go with in the
FixedAsset entity's package and is FixedAssetGeoPoint and NOT
GeoPointFixedAsset because the GeoPoint is the lower level entity and
just used to further describe the FixedAsset

Are you sure about linking GeoPoint to FixedAsset? Wouldn't it be
better to link GeoPoint to the facility where the fixed asset is located?

What about FixedAssets that are not located in a Facility, like trucks
or equipment being transported?

The main point is that Facilities are typically not mobile (though I
suppose they could be... or maybe not) but FixedAssets usually are
mobile and so need a history of locations (tracked using GeoPoints).


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