Hi Pierre

It has nothing to do with who invented it, it's about the restrictions
that other licenses place on the software.  GPL type licenses are
simply not compatible with the Apache license.  If you want to know
more you should google the topic but it is definitely not a matter of


2008/11/14 Pierre Smits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Several times now I have seen statement that non Apache-products can't or
> shouldn't be used because they gpl or hpl (even worse as somebody
> mentioned). That sounds like 'we don't want it, because we (as in ASF
> commiters) didn't invent it.
> In my humble opinion this is not kosher. If a good product is out there and
> it has an open source licence, it can be used. The only thing required is a
> set of instructions how to use and/or include it in a user own installation
> of OFBiz.
> Regards,
> Pierre.
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 7:05 PM, Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ean Schuessler wrote:
>> > Cobertura is a good Free Software alternative to Clover. It may not be
>> everything that Clover is but its certainly not too bad.
>> Except that it is gpl.  There are no apache-compatible coverage tools.
>> I looked :(
>> However, any modifications I can come up with to ofbiz, to make it have
>> a plugin-type model for supporting any byte-code-modifying coverage
>> tool, would be under the correct license.
>> ps: Hint - I already have this plugin mostly done, just haven't written
>> an implementation.

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