At the minute ALL ASF web sites run on static HTML. In some cases that HTML is exported from something like confluence, but none of them dynamically generate right now (AFAIK). I'm not sure, but I think this is actually an infra policy as there are not sufficient server resources for running all the sites in a dynamic way, and for the most part there is no reason for it since the sites are just static content anyway.

I don't know how much traffic gets, but I know many of the other projects get a LOT of traffic and the servers available for the web sites could not handle that traffic with dynamic content rendering going on.

Stepping back a little... we don't even know if we'll be able to host an OFBiz demo in a reasonable way (we should be able to, but I don't know), so we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves thinking about the web site.

BTW, I saw your commit Hans to put the site in the cmssite example. That's an interesting thing to do, and might be a good example with simplified content, but I'm worried about redundancy and inconsistency with the content there (ie I don't think there's a very good chance it will be maintained as the site is changed).


On Jan 22, 2009, at 9:17 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:

We sure can, but since they host that and don't do it under OFBiz, that would make it tough :) If this is a request to get a site setup for OFBiz run by OFBiz, I'm all in to host this on this server and get it going as well. I doubt we'll want to make this change at this point, but let me know your thoughts.

Hans, email me privately and I'll get you going on the server with access as well.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


----- "Hans Bakker" <> wrote:

Yes, i can give a hand here, however we should be able to run the
website under ofbiz too.....


On Thu, 2009-01-22 at 14:51 -0700, David E Jones wrote:
Are there any volunteers on the PMC who would be willing to work
the ASF infra on getting a demo server setup on an actual ASF
As great as it is to have this demo server contributed by Hotwax
yes, I am a part of Hotwax), the people that do infra stuff at
don't always follow these mailing lists so reporting problems here

does no good. At least with ASF infra people would have someone the

infra Jira and such to use when issues arise. I could try to ping
those people every time I see something on the lists, but that means
single point of failure (me), which is a bad thing, and I end up
a nag and having to get involved and investigate every time
goes wrong, which I'm not really all that available for (I won't go

into details, but just believe me when I say that I don't have much

influence on those things).

On the other hand, maybe hosting a demo server like this would be
much of a pain for the current ASF infra volunteers (who tend to get

stretched rather thin sometimes). So, I don't know what the best
solution is...

This is one of various things that are not on ASF infra, and that we

need volunteers to help with migrating. To make things more
in order to even help you must be pretty involved with the project,

most things requiring PMC membership to get going. These have been
my list for a while (see the last OFBiz board report for details),
that list is pretty big and priorities difficult for me to decide

Help! I'm drowning! ;)


On Jan 22, 2009, at 2:36 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

I get the same error on the demo site, yet my recently-updated
copy works fine.

Someone who has access to the demo site needs to check the logs.


Sharan-F wrote:
I'm trying to access the Hotwax Demo site and am getting the
message instead of the normal login screen:
org.ofbiz.widget.screen.ScreenRenderException: Error rendering
java.lang.NullPointerException (null)

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