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I agree with David.
But if someone want to go to the trouble of doing the code I don't see
why it can't be put in the jira for someone to use if they want to.
Just as a heads up I use the current screens in my remote UI(java swing).
my app reads the screens, generates the equivalent in the UI i have, and
sends the changes as if a user does it.
This allows ofbiz to keep it dynamics, and allow my users to have a
intuitive UI.

As ofbiz screens change at the browser level, then I have one module in
my code that gets updated.

as far as "Remote" UI's I think they should be designed at arms length
to ofbiz.
that is what SOap is suppose to do.
so maybe getting Soap more robust would be one way.

David E Jones sent the following on 2/4/2009 4:33 PM:
> On Feb 4, 2009, at 3:49 PM, Bruno Busco wrote:
>> ...and GWT is Apache licensed !
> That does make is easier to include... but isn't really a reason to use
> it... ;)
>> 2009/2/4 Bruno Busco <bruno.bu...@gmail.com>
>>> Well...
>>> ...to have something similar to this in the OFBiz UI :
>>> http://opensourcestrategies.com/images/opentaps_gwt_demo.htm
> I don't know about others, but so far if OSS decides to do something in
> opentaps I take it as a good reason to NOT do the same in OFBiz. :)
> Quite a few of the things in that little recording are already supported
> in the form and screen widgets (with demos in the Example app), and
> other things could certainly be done.
> The question is... how does GWT compare to other options? You can
> probably find dozens of emails on this topic in the archives if you're
> interested (ie comparing them to other JavaScript/AJAX libraries like
> prototype and dojo and such).
> AFAIK no one has done an adequate comparison of these technologies for
> what we want to do in OFBiz (or what users of OFBiz want to do, more to
> the point), but IMO we have more flexibility with our current tools, and
> not requiring the translation it makes it easier to debug and do funky
> things if needed... and as for overall development efficiency... I
> dunno, but my guess is the current approach is better so unless we find
> good reasons to move to GWT or something pushes it and does neat things
> with it that make it into the project, we probably won't use it much.
> -David
>>> 2009/2/4 David E Jones <david.jo...@hotwaxmedia.com>
>>>> What for?
>>>> -David
>>>> On Feb 4, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Bruno Busco wrote:
>>>> It seems opentaps is going to use GWT.
>>>>> Shouldn't we consider using it?
>>>>> -Bruno
>>>>> 2009/2/2 Jeroen van der Wal <jvander...@stromboli.it>
>>>>> Dear Harmeet,
>>>>>> Your GWT approach sounds promising. Could you share more details with
>>>>>> us on how you did it and perhaps supply some code?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> -Jeroen
>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Bilgin Ibryam <bibr...@iguanait.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Harmeet,
>>>>>>> Can you show any demo or POC code for gwt integrated with ofbiz?
>>>>>>> Do you need to compile and deploy javascipt files in ofbiz after
>>>>>>> every
>>>>>>> change in the screens?
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>>>> Bilgin
>>>>>>> On Dec 1, 2008, at 4:50 AM, Harmeet Bedi wrote:
>>>>>>> There are a few libraries that are rich with widgets in GWT that can
>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> applied. We started with gxt : http://extjs.com/products/gxt/. Some
>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>> good candidates are smartgwt ( http://code.google.com/p/smartgwt/ )
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> default GWT toolkit and associated google projects have some decent
>>>>>>> widgets
>>>>>>> too. (GWT is under apache license so compatible).
>>>>>>>> It would be very nice if Ofbiz team can consider more GWT. We could
>>>>>>>> provide code.. developer help etc. to promote this.
>>>>>>>> We could start with creating a demo that you can see and see if you
>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>> to evaluate this direction more. I feel GWT + HTML is a very good
>>>>>>>> choice
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> people writing java servers.
>>>>>>>> GWT theoretically is just a mechanism where you write java code and
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> is generated into javascript and dom manipulation, but it is much
>>>>>>>> more.
>>>>>>>> - Strong typing in java, debugger support makes it far more
>>>>>>>> productive
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> reliable to create rich applications.
>>>>>>>> - Due to better approach applied with GWT to rich
>>>>>>>> javascript/ajax/dhtml
>>>>>>>> applications.. one can now write much more complex user interfaces.
>>>>>>>> i.e.
>>>>>>>> take a leap in rich web application capabilities. i.e. write an
>>>>>>>> entire
>>>>>>>> webpos in gwt vs. very hard and buggy to write one entirely in
>>>>>>> javascript.
>>>>>>> - Can retain HTML as the frame of application and gwt widgets can
>>>>>>> contain
>>>>>>> html. GWT and ftl templates can play together. So low barrier of
>>>>>>> entry,
>>>>>>>> simple nature of web 1.0 is retained.
>>>>>>>> Harmeet
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