From: "David E Jones" <>
Notice that there is no way to see a list of orders being worked on or switch between them. What you are imagining should work, ie different orders in different windows, would only be the case (as Anil mentioned) if those different windows used different sessions... which they don't. To get a different session you must have a different user, a different browser, or find some place in the applications where the jsessionid is lost from one page to another (which WOULD be a bug).

This is something special to Firefox. With Chrome you don't have this "issue", any tabs is a session. Actually I'm still using FF3 since there is so much more with plugins than this very specific feature of Chrome.


In short, this isn't a bug, it sounds like its an expectation of a  feature 
that is not implemented yet.

If someone wants to work on this it would be cool, and has certainly been discussed many times. The easiest way would be to have a List of carts in the session and a screen to change which one is the "active" cart, and to create a new/empty active cart.


On Feb 9, 2009, at 9:10 AM, Anil Patel wrote:

Can you confirm that you used
1) Two different browsers like firefox and IE
2) Check URL if sessionId of two windows was same.

In case if sessionid of both windows is same then consider this as normal behavior. This issues is resolved by some frameworks by introducing conversation scope.

Anil Patel

On Feb 9, 2009, at 8:05 AM, Deepesh Kapoor wrote:

Guys ,  i  followed  the  steps  to trace  the  behavior. To be  more precise  
i  took these steps :
1. Used  two  different  browser  windows.
2. Used two different parties and simultaniously moved forward to  create order.
Result :
Only one order gets created ( the first one ) and the second browser gives the error message. According to me there is nothing unexpected in this , it will be great for me if you can elaborate the behavior noticed by you.

- -

Divesh Dutta wrote:
I tried this steps and found the same behavior.I think this is a  bug.Please 
correct if we are wrong some where.


I recently discovered there was a major bug in the create order  in the
'Order' application. To reproduce the buy, please do as following:

Login to the admin side and select 2 different party in the 'party'
application in 2 different browser windows and proceed to create  a order
for, say party A, in window A. Now when you are in the last  screen to
confirm/create order, just stop there and do not press the submit  button.

Now, in window 2, for party B, proceed just aas above and stop in  the last
page before submitting the order.

Now, select the window 1 and press the submit order button for  party A.

This should have create a order for party A, with the items  contained in
shopping cart of party A, but you will probably see that the  shipping
address associate with the order is that of party B.

In substance, if one tries to create orders simultaneoulsy in the  'order'
application, ofbiz may throw un-expected results. And this is not  just a
bug, but a huge security issue too.

Please do let me know if it happens for others too, in which case  i will
open a JIRA issue for the same.



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