The problem with these links is they are using an odd way of making the URLs, ie like this:

<#assign encodeURL = response.encodeURL(controlPath + "/view/ entityref_main#" + packageName)>
<a href="${encodeURL}" target="entityFrame">${packageName}</a><br/>

...instead of this:

<a href="<@ofbizUrl>view/entityref_main#${packageName}</@ofbizUrl>"

I don't know why they were like that and are not using the @ofbizUrl built-in (perhaps really old code?), but changing these to use the normal pattern fixes the problem of the double-encoding caused by the funny pattern.


On Feb 9, 2009, at 8:17 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:

In webtools the entityreference still work but when i click on a
specific entity on the left, or on 'view data' or 'artifact info'

i get the error message:
org.ofbiz.webapp.control.RequestHandlerException: No defitinition found
for view with name [&]
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