Thanks for the details. I don't think I would have found that by randomly clicking around... ;)

The issue is fixed in rev 742866.

The problem was a string was assembled in the FTL file and then used, triggering the html encoding. The fix is to not assemble the String at all since it isn't needed. In other words, instead of:

<#assign screenFileName = portlet.screenLocation + "#" + portlet.screenName/>

... we can simply do this:

${screens.render(portlet.screenLocation, portlet.screenName)}

Doing so allows us to avoid the problem, and it's cleaner code.

If we didn't have an option like this (ie cleaning up the code to solve the problem, which works in most cases so far and has served to improve the code too), as a last resort we could use the StringWrapper so that FTL doesn't treat it is a String and trigger the general html encoding. It would look like this from the promotiondetails.ftl file:


That is a field that we want to allow HTML in, and allow the HTML to be sent to the browser to be treated as HTML instead of encoded so it is shown like any other text. So, this little workaround is basically what we can use when we don't want this default behavior.


On Feb 9, 2009, at 8:06 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

We are trying to finish the myportal conversion and are a bit stuck
now..... besides that the links in the entity reference not works

click on "preferences" in myportal
in the log it says:
Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Message: Could not resolve location to URL:


On Mon, 2009-02-09 at 19:42 -0700, David E Jones wrote:
On Feb 9, 2009, at 7:34 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

it looks like the following string: /control/view/&#47;webtools&#47;
is added to the begin of the url causing this problem.....

not only happens in webtools but at many places.....

Could you be more specific about these "many places"?

I don't think I'll find them by randomly poking around...


On Mon, 2009-02-09 at 22:17 +0700, Hans Bakker wrote:
In webtools the entityreference still work but when i click on a
specific entity on the left, or on 'view data' or 'artifact info'

i get the error message:
org.ofbiz.webapp.control.RequestHandlerException: No defitinition
for view with name [&]
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