From: "Bruno Busco" <>
These are not present in a fresh checkout and in

Thank you,

About this,

We should warn Marco that if the machine he uses a machine is not officially in 
Apache infrastructure, he should change at least the
logo and use his own (powered by is OK). This is true for all the site included OFBiz demos.

Here is an extract of a message Ted Husted <> sent to PMC

* All ASF assets must be maintained on equipment controlled by the foundation.
* The foundation considers "Apache ${Product}" and the product's logo
to be marks of the foundation.
* Only ASF assets may use its marks.
* Third party sites that use domain names similar to ASF product names
must post a prominent disclaimer that states the site is not
associated with the Apache Software Foundation.
* In order to prevent confusion, menu links on ASF websites to
third-party assets should not be comingled with links to ASF assets.

So it think it's our duty, as PMC members, to warm Marco about that.

You may find an example here which uses powered by Logo (I 
asked for) . It's maintained by the Noegia
community. BTW I will ask them to update. This is also another concern with 
these copies : as they are not automatically updated,
most of the time they are outdated :(. I think we should better have a multi-languages site, on the official ASF machine, which would
be  updated when we update the English version...


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