Hello David,

The overall work done on theme is excellent.
So I will give  +1 for it.

Here are few comments / thoughts on "Smooth Feature" :

1) I noticed that in the "Search form" or "Create form" we have kept Horizontal Bar (<hr>) after each field.
In my opinion this reduces the readability of form.

2) The ViewProfile page is one of the page that contains heavy data.
For example :

-- In the above link the other links like "Billing Account", "Financial Accounts", "Communications" are placed vertically and that should be placed horizontal separated by piping symbol (or some better option) so that we could save the page area vertically. -- Its difficult to understand starting of new section heading and its associated block like we have sections by heading "Personal Information", "Contact Information", "List Related Accounts". For example its difficult the read the details present in "Payment Method Information" that is next block of "Loyality Points".

3) There are so many tabbutton present for Party and the first one (i.e Profile) is overlapping with the main navigation section present in the left. (For ex: Edit any party record)

4) On the search result form sometime it shows the link for ID fields on mouse hover but sometime don't show.
(This behavior is observed on firefox 3)

5) Next, Previous, First and Last etc are aligned vertically.

Special thanks to Ryan Foster for this wonderful work.


David E Jones wrote:

Now that we have some nice themes in place I'm wondering if we shouldn't change the default theme, especially for the back-end. The old blue-grey-flat theme (which we should probably move to a theme component) is functional and I suppose lightweight too, but perhaps doesn't give the best first impression.

Right now we have 2 alternative themes for the back-end (the bluelight theme and the smoothfeather theme which is meant to look like the new web site), and 1 alternative theme for ecommerce (the multiflex theme).

One issue with all of these is they haven't been tested as thoroughly as the old stuff, but I'm not too worried about that because there are issues with the new default lots of people will see it soon and we should be able to get things fixed pretty fast. In my own testing both of the back-end ones seem pretty solid (I haven't played with the ecommerce one yet).

Anyway, please respond with your thoughts on this. I considered opening a vote, but a general discussion is probably better first (and a vote may not be needed depending on how this discussion goes).

BTW, yes, this is for marketing purposes and should happen before the release branch next Tuesday.


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