I agree with Hans,

From: "Hans Bakker" <mailingl...@antwebsystems.com>
Hi David,

from a marketing point of view I agree but there are a lot of errors in
this schema to correct and that before tuesday? Not very realistic.

after 5 minutes of testing:
1. search results in party: partyId not clickable
(error: HOTWAX.buildSearch is not a function)
2. Although the sponsoring from hotwax is very much appreciated, wasn't
there an agreement not to use the name in the code but only in other
areas as svn log and ?

If you search in all files you will find 59 occurences of hotwax...

3. In general the screens are now formatted much to wide because of
spaces and character sizes and other reasons, have a look at :

Yes, The default size is too large, you need to have a wide screen to see it correctly. Especially with IE with the most current size screen used in the world (1024*768). And even using FF3, Chrome Opera or Safari with a wide screen (1680*1050) you get an issue when looking, for instance, at the Store (the store infos are wrapped). And I don't speak about having a panel open at left, etc.
Also the orderview in only one column is not easy to read.

Also maybe we could have a title for each column of Business Area (BTW this needs to be internationalized, maybe some others also...). Something like "Main applications" "Secondary applications", maybe 2 colors also ?

This said, it's really a great effort and I think that there is not much to be 
done to be near perfection (at least nowadays ;o)

Yes thank you for that !


Let me emphasize that Hotwax and Brainfood brought OFBiz to the next
level especially in the framework and graphical design areas. Thank you!


On Fri, 2009-04-10 at 16:21 -0600, David E Jones wrote:
Now that we have some nice themes in place I'm wondering if we
shouldn't change the default theme, especially for the back-end. The
old blue-grey-flat theme (which we should probably move to a theme
component) is functional and I suppose lightweight too, but perhaps
doesn't give the best first impression.

Right now we have 2 alternative themes for the back-end (the bluelight
theme and the smoothfeather theme which is meant to look like the new
web site), and 1 alternative theme for ecommerce (the multiflex theme).

One issue with all of these is they haven't been tested as thoroughly
as the old stuff, but I'm not too worried about that because there are
issues with the new default lots of people will see it soon and we
should be able to get things fixed pretty fast. In my own testing both
of the back-end ones seem pretty solid (I haven't played with the
ecommerce one yet).

Anyway, please respond with your thoughts on this. I considered
opening a vote, but a general discussion is probably better first (and
a vote may not be needed depending on how this discussion goes).

BTW, yes, this is for marketing purposes and should happen before the
release branch next Tuesday.


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