What I'm trying to decide on is which is more important right now.... On the one had there are issues with it so it's not the best default, on the other hand it looks way better and more consistent with the site and such and like Ean says would result in a far better response from prospects.

The reason I proposed this is because there will be a big press release for this release branch and relatively more people will be downloading OFBiz and looking at the demo, and even if certain pages are klunky that initial response may be more important than the results of the thorough review (when they can change the theme too if desired).

Anyway, my leaning is toward making it the default (hence this thread) in order to improve the first response...

Are there issues, YES! Does it matter, yes. Does it matter more than looking good for the first response, IMO: no.


On Apr 16, 2009, at 11:16 AM, Ean Schuessler wrote:

I'm all for getting there but I will say that we should dig in before we pull the trigger on it. I've been using it on my -dev instance and the interface gets pretty hard to use in some places.

I agree, however, that it shouldn't take to much to tighten it up and the customer response is night and day.

----- "Scott Gray" wrote:
+1, I would like to see it made the default prior to branching, any issues can be fixed and it does look much better.

Ean Schuessler, CTO Brainfood.com
e...@brainfood.com - http://www.brainfood.com - 214-720-0700 x 315

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