I was wrong that it was not used, (forgot about it, wrote it myself)

it is currently used in the create contact mechanisms in the party
profile and in the mean time i have put it back with security as jacques
pointed out.


On Mon, 2009-04-27 at 19:55 +0200, Malin Nicolas wrote:
> Hans Bakker a écrit :
> > but do not waste too much time on this, they are not used anywhere.....
> >   
> I thinks the view-last and view-home is good to manage user screen 
> process. On many case, we have some user who do a search and operate 
> some data modification. After operate their modification, they whant 
> return to the last search result.
> Example, you list customer that missing last name, and for each put 
> missed field. Actualy you need, do the search, select customer, save tel 
> number, return to search, do the search.
> With view-last we can do :
> make the search, select customer, save tel number, select customer, save 
> tel number, ...
> I try to implement this with view-last but if we call with request we 
> have some previous parameters that break the last search, and if we call 
> with reques-redirect, we lost security.
> If you add security on new uri backLast when can do that.
> Nicolas
> > On Sat, 2009-04-25 at 19:10 -0600, David E Jones wrote:
> >   
> >> Where do these come from?
> >>
> >> The "view-home" and "view-last" response types should NEVER be used  
> >> generically like this and instead should be specific for the  
> >> particular request flow they are part of. Along with that, they should  
> >> require https or not depending on the other requests they are working  
> >> with.
> >>
> >> -David
> >>
> >>
> >> On Apr 25, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> >>
> >>     
> >>> Is it normal that the backHome and backLast are  not securised ?
> >>>
> >>> <request-map uri="backHome">
> >>> <response name="success" type="view-home"/>
> >>> </request-map>
> >>> <request-map uri="backLast">
> >>> <response name="success" type="view-last"/>
> >>> </request-map>
> >>>
> >>> Jacques
> >>>
> >>>       
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